+11 votes
by (630 points)
What are the major differences in the three colors?  
What are the major differences in the three colors?

6 Answers

+8 votes
by (920 points)
Best answer
Point plus for me!  
by (920 points)
@bandylegged I dont don’t know anything about the new plans, I do the original points plus diet because that is the one I lost weight on.  
by (920 points)
Points plus is fat, carbs , fiber and protein and you use the WW points plus calculator.  
+10 votes
by (48.9k points)
I would just be as honest as I could answering the questionnaire and it will place you on the right plan. Once you’ve enrolled and you have the weight watchers app you can change which plan you’re on at any time and change back if you wish to do so
+5 votes
by (5.4k points)
Amount of points and zero point foods
+9 votes
by (25.5k points)
Green more points less 0 pt fds, blue the middle more free less pts, and purple most 0 pt (including potatoes and some pasta) but least amount of pts--
+9 votes
by (2.3k points)
With purple I found I had to really plan ahead. If you want to get the best use of your points you need to plan potato dishes. I find the green plan has the least amount of before hand preparing. It's good for people who maybe travel a lot or have a very busy schedule. I find blue to be in the middle and be my favorite. I did LOVE being able to have carbs. But I would find myself thinking. Wow I'm starving but making potato's won't be quick and easy. If that makes sense. They all should balance out though. I think it's kind of cool that if you hit a plateau you can change it up
+1 vote
by (5.4k points)
Someone posted this in another site-
The Weight Watchers Group is where you can always find questions, answers, advice, reviews & recommendations from other community members about recipes, meal ideas, and tips for the Weight Watchers diet.