+5 votes
by (240 points)
Hey everyone, new to this group and after some advice, I’m thinking of purchasing these cameras for my home but not sure how intrusive they will be for my neighbours? Can someone advise what distance it can pick up sound etc. and also how good is the sound! I’m only thinking of buying as I have an autistic son. That likes to run from time to time, I just don’t want to have any issue with neighbours or be able to hear their conversations while they are sitting in the garden. Thank you
Hey everyone, new to this group and after some advice, I’m thinking of purchasing these cameras fo

4 Answers

+4 votes
by (32.4k points)
Best answer
I have one on the side of my house and it does slightly see into the neighbour's property. I have adjusted the field of view via the settings so none of the recordings or live streaming show what's happening next door. The audio is as you'd hear so if you were outside and able to hear everything your neighbours said, it'll get recorded when the camera is activated. Hopefully they don't stand around outside having private conversations. My camera on that side only gets triggered once a day when a cat walks along the top of the fence so I basically have no recordings hearing what the neighbours are up to
by (240 points)
@terrie Thanksng thank you so much, would it be ok to private message you. I would like some more advice if possible
by (32.4k points)
@bellinzona sure thing
by (240 points)
@terrie Thanksng sent message
+3 votes
by (2.6k points)
They are rather small and unless you are on top of each other, they won't even notice them. I have the Pro2 setup and enjoy. Just know these are not perfect but from my research and needs, the best solution. I am sure you will get a lot of feedback. Good luck.  
by (240 points)
@informer I’ve seen footage of a neighbours cameras and she can see into her other neighbours Garden and hear most conversations, i think she is slightly obsessed now! I get on well with my neighbours and don’t want to put something up and upset them. Does anyone have footage with sound I could look at?  
by (2.6k points)
@bellinzona so don't put in a visible area. Not sure a camera is going to work for you.  
by (240 points)
@informer that’s why I’m asking, I would like to see some footage and sound before purchasing, I’ve spoken to my neighbour and they are happy but again I don’t want to invade their personal space x
+4 votes
by (1.7k points)
The sensitivity for audio recording is adjustable.  
0 votes
by (1.4k points)
I had to buy cameras because of my neighbor, she is crazy and destroyed my flowers, porch ceiling fan, throwing stones at my house. Since cameras went up most of her antics has stopped. I don't point them inside just what is mine.  
by (240 points)
@wollongong sounds like a nightmare! Nothing better to do with her life x
by (1.4k points)
@bellinzona Yes, she drinks all day, beer fridge on deck. Sad, she has a teenage daughter. I have leukemia so I am hardly ever out by her house. Friends who know her tell me to stay away from them, they are crazy. I have lived in my neighborhood off and on since I was three. My Mother and Sister live one block away. It is a beautiful, quiet area, till they moved in. It is sad I had to buy cameras to protect me, my house when for 57 years no one has needed cameras. I keep hoping she gets reckless and my camera catches her damaging my house.  
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