+6 votes
by (1k points)
Ugh.  I’ve been in this eternal battle.Ugh. I’ve been in this eternal battle. I’ve been in my career as a RT for 9 years. I’m turning 31 in March. The past 3 years I’ve had this tug in my Heart to go back to nursing school. I work with nurses daily and I love them. Something changed after I had my kids and I want to be an L&D RN because it literally changed my life with the support they gave me as a new mom. Working in critical care now is just emotionally getting more difficult. Here’s my struggle. We are trying to pay off debt. I have like 15k in credit cards, back taxes we are paying on, 5K in student loans and like 15-20k from husbands student loans. I want to go back to school and do this. But I don’t want to get into deeper debt when I’m trying to get out. The pay will Be better for sure, but my debt will Be higher. Also, we want to buy a new house in the next 3yrs. I’m just struggling to focus and actually do this. A lot of my RN friends have told me they did the same thing in their 30s and it’s not too late. It’s hard for like 5 years but it’s all worth it since there is more options as a RN. Doing it now is good because my kids are babies and I won’t be missing everything if I did it when they were older. What would you guys do?  
Ugh.  I’ve been in this eternal battle.

4 Answers

0 votes
by (150 points)
I went through RN school from 28-30 while my kids were babies. I’d say that’s 100% easier than when they are older and involved in after school activities. or even school in general. I worked night weekends as a nurse tech. After 2nd semester of our program we were allowed to sit for LPN boards so that was a plus.  
0 votes
by (760 points)
Besides the point, I’m an RT and I see a lot of our people transitioning over to RN and overall being glad they made that decision. Do what’s right for you ❤️
by (760 points)
@hemeralopia I’ve always said if things like that stop bothering you, you need to move on to another profession. That should be unsettling, it’s what keeps us compassionate to our patients BUT if it’s killing who you are, it’s time to go back to school and get in there to deliver new life into this world! You have the background in RT plus getting all the knowledge of an RN?! You’ll be a superhero for those mommas and babies. Go get that license! Coming from an ICU RT who gets the end of life struggle
by (760 points)
@hemeralopia  preach. It’s hard feeling like you’re fighting to be heard when you know the worst is coming. Listen to that voice! It’s there for a reason. Hopefully your RT family supports you through it!  
0 votes
by (7.3k points)
You can look into a hospital that will pay for your schooling. My hospital pays for our schooling in any position we work. I am working as a tech and I am going to school to be a nurse. They pay for the school part & i work 1 year for every $4000 that give me towards school.  
0 votes
by (300 points)
Do what makes you happy! If nursing is your calling then go for it!  
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