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by (640 points)
Okay peeps.  I’ve paid off two credit cards, two cell phones, and the last of the money I owed for my daughter’s cheer season for this school year.Okay peeps. I’ve paid off two credit cards, two cell phones, and the last of the money I owed for my daughter’s cheer season for this school year. I’ve got $2, 000 left to use for paying off debt or saving and I’m having a hard time figuring out what the best thing to do is! My one and only remaining credit card only has a balance of $6, 440. 11 at a 19. 40% APR. so the interest rate is outrageous! But that’s my last credit card! I also owe just over $8K for my vehicle and then I’ll be debt free aside from student loans. Should I put the entire $2, 000 toward my credit card? Put part of it towards that and save some for my EF? (I don’t currently have an EF yet). I also have sinking funds but I’m saving monthly for those so I’m not as worried about making a contribution to those at this time. What do y’all think?!  
Okay peeps.  I’ve paid off two credit cards, two cell phones, and the last of the money I owed for

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