+4 votes
by (490 points)
Has anyone sold a car that you recently bought? I bought a car a year and a half ago and regret the purchase. The monthly payments are more than what we can afford. Recently, the dealership I bought it from approached me about wanting to buy it. What should I keep in mind? Any advice is welcome.  
Has anyone sold a car that you recently bought?

2 Answers

+3 votes
by (22.3k points)
Best answer
If they want to buy it straight out and pay off your loan go for it but don't purchase a car from them. This is a sales tactic. If they're willing to buy it from you and you walk out of there and get into someone else's car and leave then absolutely. But if the requirement for them to buy your car is for you to buy a new one from them driveway fast you can
+1 vote
by (7.2k points)
Will you be upside down if you trade the car in? If so, can you afford to roll it into the new loan and still be strapped monthly? Or can you hold out for a few months and maybe buy a $5k-$10k car In cash? These are definite numbers you need to run before making a rash decision.  
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