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by (11.1k points)
Any former military families here deal with living with the GI Bill being half your income? My husband recently separated from the military and he will be going back to school. Our income once his GI Bill kicks in will be my full time job, his BAH, and unemployment. We currently live with his parents but will (hopefully) be moving out soon. We have money set aside to cover deposits + furniture. We've already started discussing how we'd prepare for school breaks where he isn't getting paid his BAH. We plan on saving everything we can while he's still getting unemployment so we can at least have rent for the summer covered. While tight, my income covers all of our bills and envelopes. I'm also considering stocking up on pantry stuff and meats whenever we have extra in our grocery envelope so that way we can lower our grocery bill during the summer. Is there any other tips you guys have that helped you get through those months where half your income was suddenly gone?  
Any former military families here deal with living with the GI Bill being half your income?

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