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by (1.1k points)
So I need advice.  So I’ve done the math and I could potential pay off all my students loans in 5.So I need advice. So I’ve done the math and I could potential pay off all my students loans in 5. 5 years (65k worth! ). Or should I put my loans on income driven repayment and throw that extra money in accounts for the kids school? I could save enough to pay for their colleges Regardless, I’m gonna pay for their school or at least help. I don’t want them to make the same mistakes I did. Their father passed away and up until recently I wasn’t financially able or financially smart (thanks TBM) to have a college savings plan for them. I’d love to have my loans paid but feel super selfish for it at the same time. I feel like the rush is on right now because my daughter starts high school in August. The kids do have money in an account from their fathers death that they can’t have until they turn 18 but I’d rather they not have to use that for school. What would you do?  
So I need advice.  So I’ve done the math and I could potential pay off all my students loans in 5.

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