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by (710 points)
Question: My fiancé will come home and say he owes coworkers $10 here or $15 there because one of the women bought a joint gift and or cake for someone in the unit. Every dollar is budgeted. I don’t have room to add his coworkers as a category, especially because we don’t always gift family members gifts (which I’d like to start doing more frequently as we pay down debts). I’ve asked him for years to tell everyone he doesn’t want to join in and in turn doesn’t want to participate. He thinks it’s rude. I tell him to use his fun money then. I told him I’d ask a large group for an opinion and he said go ahead. Should he finally tell his coworkers he’s done going in on gifts or should he use his fun money (which is very limited while we save for the wedding this year)? Am I rude about this?  
Question: My fiancé will come home and say he owes coworkers $10 here or $15 there because one of t

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