+2 votes
by (1.6k points)
Thoughts on doing balance transfers? I know it’s only beneficial if I pay off balance within the 0% timeframe, I just don’t know that I want to open another line of credit? Considering 1 or 2 credit card transfers. Any thoughts welcome!  
Thoughts on doing balance transfers?

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (1.3k points)
Best answer
This is how I paid off my credit card debt. I did about $9000 over 3 cards and I think 2 were 21 months and 1 was 18 months and just did the math on how much I had to pay on each and automated it. It helped me to have a fixed amount I needed to pay every month toward credit card debt that was not gaining interest. I would just make sure you have an EF set aside and you are not reliant on the cards anymore. I cut mine up when I got them. The companies wouldn’t offer this deal if they didn’t make a ton of money off of people who didn’t pay within the promo period or if people just get them into a worse situation across more cards. Having this automated and knowing it was essentially paid off and not going to get worse with growing interest, really eased the stress of credit card debt and I could worry about other aspects of my budget and student loans.  
+4 votes
by (250 points)
I don’t know if it’s a good thing or not but we just did this. We transferred 3 cards to one card that has 0% interest for 21 months. We felt like we were in a cycle of just paying interest and having the same balance. This was we are really focused on getting this paid off before the interest kicks in!  
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