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by (130 points)
Alright!  I know there has to be someone out there that was in a similar situation.Alright! I know there has to be someone out there that was in a similar situation. STUDENT LOANS! So I was in this program that as long as I made a certain amount of payments towards my loans, I could get them deferred. I made the payments, however after that I had no clue where I would continue to pay. I would get calls and I had no clue how I would know which call was a legit caller for my loans. I didn’t know if it was just multiple credit agencies. Any who, my wages are getting garnished. Starting balance was $13, 489. 93 and current balance is $11, 152. 66. Currently I’m getting like $500 taken out of every paycheck. My tax refunds also get taken and go towards the loans. I just was advised that intersect is accumulated daily and I don’t know how else to pay this off, I feel like I will never be done! The agency advised that I could settle and the lowest the US dept will accept is $8, 612. 04. I have a toddler and my paychecks I only get $1000 and my rent is $650. I have already cut off any other bills except my phone. Any ideas or recommendations as to how I can possibly tackle this debt? Thanks!  
Alright!  I know there has to be someone out there that was in a similar situation.

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