+8 votes
by (240 points)
Has anyone done food stamps in Texas. This is the first time I've ever struggled with the renewal. We added a new baby in January. The lady interviewing us must've had a bad day as she was super short with me. I struggle answering their questions but usually they work with me because of my anxiety. This time I texted my husband notified him I was on the phone with them so he can switch with his dad driving. His dad is his employer, he has his own company. My husband is classified as an independent contractor, self employed. She said she called him and put me on hold. His phone never rang now I have to send in a letter since he gets paid cash, no issues I've done it before. She got even shorter when she tried my grandmother who we pay for watching my oldest while I go to school. She was away at the doctors. My 2 year old is to young and stays with me since I'm online due to to complications from the baby. That was fine I can send in a letter. Now where it got really bad was my bills. She said according to her calculations we are at a deficit of 300 a month. Hubby makes $2000. Our bills according to my math is $1915. Her math included a 20% tax, she refused to go into details to make me understand. She demanded me send all of our bills in for review. This will be difficult as many are online or I pay in cash. I simply am to sick to run all over town to go to the bank get the statements she wants plus to a couple bill places that don't send us any mail and only gives a receipt on what I paid for that month. She wanted a list of the amount due each month. What in the world is this tax and what is she talking about? Our bills: Rent 695 Water 35 average Electric usually 100 but last month was 150 and this month was 130 Phones 100 Insurance vehicles 150 last month renued and it's now 200 Jeep payment 535 Last month we didn't pay our loan because our loan officer added that payment to the end of the note as a courtesy since we would've fallen behind due to hubby being off a week for the new baby. But that bill is 164 she had it at 160. I'm not arguing over $4.  
Has anyone done food stamps in Texas.

4 Answers

0 votes
by (2.2k points)
It sounds like she’s factoring that 2000$ as your husbands gross pay. Since he’s classified as a 1099, his dad is not withholding taxes. 20% of 2000$ would be 400$. That would then create the deficit she sees.  
by (240 points)
@leyba she said his pay gross is 2150. Then she did 20% on top of the bills.  
by (2.2k points)
@easton if you told her his gross is 2k, where did she come up with 2150?  
by (6.1k points)
It sounds like from what you said here, gross pay is pre tax, so she’s adding 20% tax to that and subtracting it. That would put you at a deficit of between $300-400 roughly.  
by (240 points)
@leyba I have no idea. It's like she was close to 2500 for all our bills like um how. Explain the math and sorcery you are creating to get such numbers
by (2.2k points)
@easton I’d like her to magically find me some extra money
by (240 points)
@leyba but not extra on bills. I would love more on income!  
+2 votes
by (6.1k points)
Does husband’s take home pay (cash) come to him already taxed? Maybe she’s referring to that
by (6.1k points)
Oops looks like @leyba already stated this.  
+8 votes
by (17.9k points)
If your husband is paid in cash you have to allot for paying taxes so I’m guessing by what you said is she is figuring he would have to pay 20% in taxes between state and federal.  
+6 votes
by (2.7k points)
I know in louisiana they only factor in necessary living expenses like rent and utilities. not sure about phones but definitely not car payments and insurance.  
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