+6 votes
by (4.3k points)
Hi moms, What are you all planning for summer care if / when you have to go back to work? Assuming daycare and camps won’t be open.  
Hi moms, What are you all planning for summer care if / when you have to go back to work?

5 Answers

+4 votes
by (1.8k points)
Best answer
I do not anticipate daycare opening up so I had a conversation with my work bc if they don't open I will be staying home
by (5k points)
@cornhusking also has a conversation with my boss. I will be allowed to wfh until daycare/preschool opens
by (1.8k points)
@mcclure Wasiłowski that is awesome!  
+4 votes
by (780 points)
Emergency Childcare Center still operating.  
+7 votes
by (780 points)
Email. Myrthepotts@brentwoodbapt. org
by (4.3k points)
Wow this is great! Is there any possibility of just having him come for two days? Monday, Tuesday is what I'll need. I can email you as well. :-)
+1 vote
by (15.9k points)
Unless it's a job you physically can't do from home, I don't see how any employer will be able to force you to come in given the circumstances everyone is in. My job is sending 20% at a time, waiting 2-4 weeks between phases. I was told I can choose to be in one of the last phases and even then, they won't force anyone to come back for the foreseeable future if an employee is either concerned for health or for childcare. For us, daycare is closed, but even when it opens I will stay home a bit for safety.  
+4 votes
by (4.5k points)
I'm on maternity leave thyru August, but I've already spoken with my boss about it. If there's no childcare/school when I'm due to come back, I'll have to wfh. I'd like to go to the office once a week or so, but it will depend on my husband's wfh schedule. It's gonna be interesting with the new born. The 4 yo isn't "easy" but certainly less demanding than a newborn will be lol
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