+12 votes
by (1.3k points)
How do you get your campaigns to exit Learning Phase for high ticket info products ($1997+) ? My campaigns are getting "Learning Limited" warning  I’ve noticed this question here in group today (then wrote a big answer and now sharing it ) So, let's dive in (applicable for most businesses) In 99% of cases, such products are not sold from the first touch. This is not a 30$ or 100$ dollar product, when a customer can immediately make an emotional decision and buy your product. So straightforward approach does not work here (and even the magic of look-alikes ‍♂ won't help). And you will never exit the learning phase  What to do in this case?  In order to sell something relatively expensive and get stable results, you need to make sure that you have a marketing funnel in place that can consist of many steps from the first touch to purchase. Basic split is: those who visited your website and those who didn’t. So you will have 2 campaigns in place - acquisition campaign / cold traffic (you will exclude site visitors here) and retargeting campaign - warm and hot traffic. More detailed split: Cold traffic Watched your ad Visited the product page Visited the page of the free webinar / subscribed to the newsletter Watched a free webinar Visited a page with a cheap course Purchased a cheap course Visited expensive course page There are many variations for each type of business.  Once you have an understanding of how traffic is moving across your resource, you can make communication for each level of the funnel. And only in this case you will get a structure that will push down the incoming traffic towards the purchase.  So now when you have a funnel in place - you can aim at 50-70 events that are some steps up the funnel - for example get 50 webinar guests on the cold traffic. They would be way cheaper than purchases and you will collect enough data to exit the learning phase. And the retargeting campaigns will do the rest (steps 3 to 8. ). Each step of the funnel here is a separate campaign in ads manager. This structure allows you to manage traffic effectively at each stage of the funnel. A week ago I've built such a structure in e-com for one of my clients. He successfully sells baby cribs worth $1000, while not spending millions of budgets. Such a product would be extremely difficult to sell from the first touch. Hope that you find this helpful  
 How do you get your campaigns to exit Learning Phase for high ticket info products ($1997+) ?

8 Answers

+11 votes
by (1.1k points)
Best answer
Build the pixel on a presell, or a simple “leave email” form, that eventually leads to the sale
by (840 points)
@delphiadelphic6 yeah, no shit. Lol After reading your post TWICE, it’s apparent you just shared a strategy that many of us long time Ad Buyers (I’ve been in media buying since 1995) have been trained on, paid others to teach or taught/used with clients ourselves for many thousands. Guess what I’m trying to say, is that you just shared a multi-thousand dollar value strategy for free and that my friend, is a very high value share! Mahalo brah, from da rainbow  state for your gift!  
by (840 points)
@delphiadelphic6 yep, that’s so true. Everyone wants to “marry the girl” the first time they meet/talk, without dating, wine and dine them first! Lol This is basic old school marketing: nurture advertising has been around since the days of print ads and direct mail. A lower barrier offer that converts at a higher rate to build rapport and lead to additional cross sell and UpSell offers is so OG, everyone thinks it’s different with paid online ads.  
by (840 points)
@delphiadelphic6 looks like a Halbert-like or Claude Hopkins direct response Copywriting gold right there! Those sub headlines are classic!  
by (600 points)
@delphiadelphic6 That’s a great advertising “story”!  
+7 votes
by (730 points)
This make sense, thanks. Will try putting it into action
+5 votes
by (2.4k points)
Trust trust trust and more trust. If they know and they like, they must trust you with MORE THAN 2k to buy it. High ticket or low ticket, the only difference is what the person TRUSTS will bring them more results than what they give. For a $100 product a simple ad is sufficient because its a low barrier of trust in regard to what the product will bring them back. For high ticket, especialy with so many worthles ads marketing worthles courses A LOT of trust is required by means od PROVEN, LEGITIMATE testimonials, hard results and if applicable, a money back guarantee. Trust is basically taking over responsiblility - let them know you can do it, and if you can communicate that over an ad (or a funnel, or multiple ads, or emails) a cat is in the bag. Now, how to take over responsibility for the money given. Is a whole new story. If the guy is new it will be harder than if hes in the game for some time etc etc
by (2.4k points)
@delphiadelphic6 sozz I was hungover
+11 votes
by (380 points)
What percentage of budget would you assign on each step?  
+3 votes
by (390 points)
Do you see any big difference betweeen the CPA before and after the learning phase?  
+6 votes
by (1.8k points)
Switch the focus to lead conversions. So you can get 50 conversions to exit the learning phase. Otherwise unless you're spending $50-100K to achieve 50 conversions in a week for high-ticket you're always going to be stuck in the learning phase. .  
+1 vote
by (1.2k points)
I still like to run really low funnel actions. for a $2k course, maybe not purchase, but a phone submit post-webinar or something like that, even if i can't get stable distribution. like you said in another post, every project is different. stable distribution isn't the end all be all, especially when you're running super high budgets and burning out the audience in 2 weeks on DCO. i'm very glad that you're spreading the right information though because there's a huge disconnect in the general-audience media buyer's understanding of what the learning phase is and what an ad set that has completed learning actually does.  
+10 votes
by (2.8k points)
You can still get good optimization in a "learning limited" campaign, just think about how easy it will be for the system to learn your target audience. If it's fairly niche, you should be ok. If it's a large general audience, I'd try to front load your budget so you can get the data you need.  
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