+36 votes
by (1k points)
My competitor who is about the same size of my business is running 525 active ads currently. It looks like they’re using about 10 different creatives and 5 different copy’s. How in the hell are they running to 525 different Audiences? That is surely so much to manage. Assuming they’re running each ad at a minimum of $10 a day (it’s likely much higher) that’s 5250 per day. How is this possible? Using a 3rd party software? Or just manually doing each ad? I’m very confused how they can afford such large spend because I know them and they aren’t too big
My competitor who is about the same size of my business is running 525 active ads currently.

26 Answers

+31 votes
by (740 points)
Just because they are running 525 active ads doesn't mean they are running to 525 different audiences.  
by (1k points)
@min78 I know this includes different creatives and copy too however they don’t have many variance in copy and creative. It does prove that they are running 525 ads though
by (250 points)
@selfstarter creative is king.  
+6 votes
by (630 points)
Poss using adespresso
+29 votes
by (630 points)
Thats a lot of ads data to monitor
by (1k points)
@gurule I agree that’s why I’m confused.  
by (630 points)
@selfstarter i have a client with 40 diff ads and that takes up a lot of time. Wouldnt fancy skimming through 500 every day. Even for an agency thats a lot of campaigns
+18 votes
by (1.4k points)
Campaign Budget Optimization .  
+5 votes
by (4k points)
What type of business is this
by (1k points)
@stearic13 e commerce
by (4k points)
@selfstarter ah ok that makes more sense, you should take a look at mike bloomberg, he makes 5k look like child’s play
by (4k points)
I know this probably isn’t the answer you probably want to hear but in reality you never know who has money and who doesn’t. Your competitor might’ve been saving up for the last 3 years so that he can quit his job and start his store up. Either way though, I wouldn’t worry too much about it because it’s not in your control and something I learned from the basketball coach/motivational speaker Alan Stein (look him up if you don’t know who he is) is that champions focus on what they control. Michael @agnosticism never worried about the things he had no control over like refs making bad calls, dirty players on the other team, etc and just focused on playing his game. Take a look into the Ecom arena and look at no other than Jeff bezos. One of the things he attributes to the success on amazon is that he doesn’t worry about the competition and he just focuses on serving the customer as well as he can. Needless to say, it worked out pretty well for him
by (9.9k points)
@stearic13/activity" class="qa-user-link">stearic13 couldn't have said it any better ^^ and who cares who has more money, money won't buy you what you want necessarily if his offer and his products suck and he treats his customers like $$$$ and you focus so hard on your customers and the customer journey, path to purchase, follow up, and you take quality care of your customers and don't treat them with $$$ signs it won't matter how much money he has to spend and how little you have, you'll come out on top. ALWAYS plus who really cares, you don't need the audiences, you don't need the money, you can go to the people who already have all that and just tap into all their resources if you really wanted too and start to compete, its really all about critical thinking, strategic planning, being smart just play the game smarter then he does, focus on your customers and you'll win, it's really that simple don't over complicate things like everyone in the space does with all these technical terms and worrying what your competition is doing if you can fill a need and provide value to the marketplace, you'll make a killing online, just keep things simple, keep the game simple, have fun, its a game, and again, above all, keep it simple. my brother @stearic13/activity" class="qa-user-link">stearic13 said it best ^^
by (1k points)
Thanks guys but i am not worried about who has more money we both do this full time but I was curious to how he is running 525 different ads successfully
+5 votes
by (380 points)
Maybe they are using Madgicx? A software for facebook ads.  
+35 votes
by (510 points)
How do you find out how many ads they are running?  
by (230 points)
@altruism I have the same question . I could never figure out that number found in ads library
by (510 points)
@stearic13 thanks
+29 votes
by (2.7k points)
Easy 10 adsets per ad each with a different interest great for ecommerce if you have the budget
+34 votes
by (9.9k points)
If they are able to spend that much they surely have enough in the budget to outsource hire and train players to run and manage the ads, unless he's literally working around the clock to pump out and manage all these campaigns or simple he knows his numbers down to a T and put stop losses on them so that he's not wasting money, I honestly don't know but I'm sure they have enough to hire people to manage and work the ads, there's a lot of different variables here
+5 votes
by (1.1k points)
Use rules and tools like magicdx to create campaigns fast and manage them.  
+24 votes
by (930 points)
You can run a 100 ad sets in 1 CBO at $100. Don’t get too concerned about what they doing. Focus on your marketing.  
by (2.7k points)
@word2746 yes exactly
by (930 points)
@selfstarter let me know if you need some help, be happy to look it over for you  
by (1k points)
@word2746 look what over
+17 votes
by (470 points)
I know a lot of people are running 3 ads per $5 adset. and then duplicating their winning adsets over and over. the ads can up quickly.  
+11 votes
by (1.5k points)
Adespresso creates all the ad combinations for you and does the analysis
+8 votes
by (2.7k points)
5 Cbo . 10 adsets - 10 ads . All different post ids because the guy doesn't care or know about social proof = 500 ads . It's simple
+35 votes
by (1k points)
Adspresso or madgicx probably
+32 votes
by (1.7k points)
Who says it has to be 525 audiences?  
by (1.7k points)
Yea, I saw. Why can't they use the same audience?  
by (1.7k points)
So why ask "How in the hell are they running to 525 different Audiences? "?  
by (1k points)
@carmelcarmela79 i meant 525 different ads
by (1.7k points)
Do you still need an answer?  
by (1k points)
@carmelcarmela79 well most people suggested he is using a 3rd party software like adspresso
by (1.7k points)
I could punch up 512 ads in manager. Copy, paste, batch edit. You can get quite a few variations going like this.  
by (430 points)
@carmelcarmela79 yeah it’s not that many when you think about it… Probably involves a lot of duplication a few changes in copy here and there and changing images… I don’t think it will be 525 individually curated adverts
+16 votes
by (8k points)
I manage a client with 300 ads, it’s about 6 campaigns, a couple of audiences each, doesn’t take much to manage
by (620 points)
@ader748 Thanksgart using any third party tool?  
by (8k points)
@vidovic no its literally ads manager it isn't that complicated
by (620 points)
@ader748 Thanksgart thanks, I am just learning this whole process of D@vidovic and FM, could you please kindly suggest me some ways/sources to gain more knowledge?  
by (8k points)
Easiest way to learn, quicker than BluePrint, I reference it all the time myself. When you get into it check out teh Creative Hub and play around in there.  
by (620 points)
@ader748 Thanksgart thanks for your support Sir!  
by (8k points)
Good luck and have a great week!  
+4 votes
by (380 points)
Manage them by setting performance rules. They turn on / off automatically determined by the guidelines you set.  
+15 votes
by (710 points)
Reveal bot and automation rules.  
+35 votes
by (2.7k points)
They are using rules. It's quite easy :)
+11 votes
by (980 points)
It seems that automatization is a main reason of such scale ☝️
by (1.7k points)
It's all about automation. Another thing Google Ads does better.  
+19 votes
by (2k points)
The truth is that he is not scared to market and it seems that you are! So stop trying to find out what he is doing or how. and Start marketing!  
by (1k points)
@odum4344 you must really know me man
by (1.7k points)
And you wanna scale like that, learn about copy, paste, bulk edits, filters and rules.  
+18 votes
by (1.4k points)
Our record is 2000+ ads live at one time. Professional service (driving school) with loads of locations/offices, three main buyer personas and top/middle/bottom of funnel + up sells and win backs. It wasn’t hard to get a tonne of ads live, all managed through a csv upload and a catalogue feed to manage locations, dates and times of events. Lots of ads/audiences means lots of ability to split test and refine the results.  
by (560 points)
Whats the adspending per day for those 2000 ads?  
by (1.4k points)
@frederiksberg23 it always fluctuated. Not that much to be honest, some adsets were on like $7/day prior to CBO
+3 votes
by (770 points)
Could be running with Qwaya to systematise it. But yeah, that's a business that isn't worried about blowing the budget because their customer value is high enough and acquisition cost is relatively low. Out of curiosity what's the business industry/model?  
+13 votes
by (2.2k points)
Thats nothing.  
+22 votes
by (2.2k points)
Ive ran hundreds of ads for clients with 50k-100k+ monthly budgets, CBO, top of funnel, middle of funnel, bottom of funnel. Testing, etc. We run thousands a day. Its real. Haha
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