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by (600 points)
How we are using a technique from 18th century to help small businesses and they can't stop paying us $97-$497/month without even selling or convincing them ! Here's a 30, 000 foot view of the whole process. 1. You will select a business that people visit more than once in a month. 2. You will print a flyer for this business and set it up on the cash counter. 3. Offer on the flyer will be to get an instant discount by joining our VIP club for free. (Who in their right mind would say no to instant discount on the bill they are about to pay? ) 4. Business will have an ever growing list of their best customers whom they can promote their offers and make them comeback whenever they wish. 5. Best part is you don't need to do any selling/convincing. You let them try your system for 14 days for free and they pay you out of the profits ;) (Or you can simply charge them) 6. As their customer list grows with time, they will make more money with each promotion so they can't stop using the service. There's more to it but you get the basic idea. Now, if this works so well then why am I sharing it in this group? There are 30. 2 Million small businesses in US alone so there is enough pie for everyone and by helping you, I may also end up making more money :) Let me know if you have any query.  
How we are using a technique from 18th century to help small businesses and they can't stop paying u

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