+6 votes
by (180 points)
I got some vegetable seeds from Lidl just before lock down and have been growing them on my window sill but now they seem to have stopped growing and I don't know what to do next (there were no further instructions other than to put in the pots and soil it came with) I have a tomato plant, cucumber, paprika and courgette. I've googled but I'm a complete newbie and don't understand. Can anyone explain, in the simplest possible way, what I need to do next? Thank you *Edit I will post pictures when I'm home. Meant to take some before I left the house but forgot  
I got some vegetable seeds from Lidl just before lock down and have been growing them on my window s

6 Answers

+6 votes
by (300 points)
Could you add a photo at all?  
+4 votes
by (270 points)
You might need to repot in bigger pots now and get some feed for them - tomato feed is a good all rounder x
+2 votes
by (240 points)
A photo would be helpful so we can see how big they are, depending on the size depends on what happens next
+6 votes
by (300 points)
They probably need repotting or you can plant outside
+4 votes
by (280 points)
Coquette need to end up in a fairly large pot, they grow big, but increase the pot size slowly. Th Tomato and cucumber will need potted on too. The paprike can be grown in a large pot on the kitchen window sill. The others will need to go outside under glass or polythene. Feed them once a week with tomato feed and keep watered but not soaked
+1 vote
by (200 points)
Depending on where you live tomatoes at least can be grown outside. They need feeding once the fruits begin to set.  
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