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by (560 points)
Have large part of my garden with awful grass, very deep seated thistles docks and dandelions. Past tenants strimmed it once and year! I want to make this area a meadow garden. Trying to get weeds out by sheer labour but cant remove all the grass. I have dug down 2ft in a area next to it, 6x12ft, found a crazy paving path-bonus lol f miners pick, bags of household rubbish, car parts, metal 1950's toy police car, 1/2 a mattress, glass. Pretty grim. It has taken me 4mths! Being 67, separated, achieved this with no budget. Proud of my achievement. Will I have to remove grass to have a meadow? Can I level, with a poorish soil, sprinkle seeds and cover with gritty soil. Have 8 paving stones in the middle, aim to have a static water feature solar fountain. Any help would be much appreciated.  
Have large part of my garden with awful grass,very deep seated thistles docks and dandelions.

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