+106 votes
by (1k points)
Hey peeps, not entirely garden related but my neighbour is using an air rifle to shoot birds in the trees. The pellets have even hit my house and I have toddlers. Would really appreciate some advice? X
Hey peeps, not entirely garden related but my neighbour is using an air rifle to shoot birds in the

89 Answers

+27 votes
by (3k points)
Best answer
PHONE POLICE NOW. Poor bloody birds.  
+65 votes
by (1.1k points)
Completely illegal. Call the police.  
+101 votes
by (1.1k points)
Call rspb if you discover any dead birds
+20 votes
by (1k points)
Woah where did you lot come from?  
+15 votes
by (1.4k points)
Police deffo
+69 votes
by (850 points)
Go kick his head in
+93 votes
by (900 points)
You cannot kill wildlife
+5 votes
by (700 points)
Hope he has a proper licence when they turn up
by (1.1k points)
@ocelot1 doesn't matter it's an offence to use the gun in a built up area. Also think as well as him you also need to grow up
by (700 points)
by (1.1k points)
@ocelot1 just as I thought childish fuckwit
by (700 points)
@darrickdarrill68362 ha ha it's all about gardens , in every bunch of roses there's always one prick ! Congratulations
by (1.1k points)
@ocelot1 yeah you've Deffo proven you're it
+78 votes
by (840 points)
Call the police
+48 votes
by (1.9k points)
Go. kick her in the head
+92 votes
by (890 points)
Phone the police
+28 votes
by (820 points)
I know from experience that his pellets are not allowed to leave his property. Firing in a built up area is a serious offence. Report it and they will follow it up immediately.  
+42 votes
by (1.6k points)
Contact the police, it will be peoples pets next
by (620 points)
@conciliatory48 yep my cat was shot twice many years ago. Survived but massive vets bills
by (1.6k points)
@omalley many idiots doing it now
+30 votes
by (1.2k points)
Snitches get stitches
by (1.2k points)
@pachisi yeah mature!  
by (610 points)
@pachisi oh fuck off. A kid could get hurt ffs
by (1.1k points)
@pachisi pricks suck dicks
by (550 points)
Something my 8 year old says  
+51 votes
by (1.2k points)
Def report to the police. My friend had this issue with a neighbour, called the police and they prosecuted the guy.  
+27 votes
by (1.2k points)
Report her!  
+42 votes
by (1.2k points)
Ring the police or beat ur neighbour
+12 votes
by (1.1k points)
I had the same thing with my neighbour the dick head was shooting birds from his bedroom window
+86 votes
by (850 points)
Police or RSPCA
+22 votes
by (1.6k points)
Call the police
+32 votes
by (1.7k points)
Call the police now! Dont hesitate x
+104 votes
by (750 points)
Police ASAP! Then take the rifle and ram it up his a*** sideways!  
+64 votes
by (1.8k points)
Call the police ASAP
+68 votes
by (1.3k points)
Call the police and film them attending please for us lot. Seriously I cant wait for your neighbours to get done for this  
+93 votes
by (850 points)
Call the police ?  
+21 votes
by (1.4k points)
Tell the police theres an armed person fireing at your house
by (740 points)
@accessary oh dear! Lol
by (1.4k points)
@loan it will be a fast response ha ha
+30 votes
by (780 points)
Police matter
+27 votes
by (730 points)
Police it illegal
+76 votes
by (870 points)
999. Risk to life for sure.  
+89 votes
by (830 points)
Police pls now Hun ! X
+53 votes
by (830 points)
I wouldn't think about what to do for a second. Call the police before someone gets hurt
+23 votes
by (830 points)
Call the RSPCA. And ring 111 to report
+76 votes
by (810 points)
Buy a gun climb the tree and shoot back.  
+40 votes
by (960 points)
We had a neighbour that did this, the rspca gave them a caution. Get evidence though, like a pigeon with a pellet in it  
+73 votes
by (820 points)
Evil twats! Tell them to rather play Russian roulette  
+98 votes
by (4.9k points)
Pellets cannot leave his boundary, shooting from his window into his own garden is fine but the pellets MUST NOT leave his boundary, shop him I'm sad to say but its dicks like him who fuck things up for decent folks.  
+94 votes
by (4.9k points)
Call the Police it's illegal to shoot most birds.  
+93 votes
by (3.9k points)
As above ring police
+97 votes
by (840 points)
Report the nasty bastard!  
+39 votes
by (810 points)
Video him doing the shooting 1st so police know it's not a wasted call or they could turn up n the guy could deny it so evidence first
+11 votes
by (820 points)
Endangering your children . WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR . AN ACCIDENT. FFS.  
by (1k points)
@brittan alright sweet cheeks calm down
+60 votes
by (820 points)
Jesus christ phone the police
+86 votes
by (850 points)
Get the police involved
+31 votes
by (740 points)
Very in irresponsible should not be shooting in the garden close to others!  
+84 votes
by (820 points)
Police ‍♀️
+59 votes
by (1.9k points)
Is it kids doing the shooting or adults?  
by (1k points)
@kirima Bancroft both I believe
by (1.9k points)
@baghdad ah that's different, thought it may be kids without parents knowledge. I would report them up too yu whether yu warn em first. Good luck.  
by (1k points)
@kirima kids a complete tool so can’t imagine his loud mouth father is very approachable
by (1.1k points)
Phone the police, not only are these people sick bastards, they are putting your children's life in danger. A pellet in a child's head can be fatal.  
+23 votes
by (980 points)
Buy a shotgun and return fire.  
+105 votes
by (1.1k points)
What a complete twat, report him or if you can speak to him first. I'm sure you don't want the kids out in their own garden incase a pellet hits them.  
by (470 points)
Wouldn't even bother speaking to him, it's a nick either way
by (1.1k points)
Report then for the safety of your kids.  
+27 votes
by (4.9k points)
Not illegal to shoot birds if you have a legally held shotgun with a valid license , but definitely not in a built up area , call the Garda /police.  
+22 votes
by (840 points)
Call the police
+43 votes
by (1.9k points)
First point of anything regarding guns etc , shooting of animals is the police.  
+34 votes
by (890 points)
Pellets must stay inside the confides of their garden. Outside is an offence. I’m a 999 operator for the police so I know what I’m talking about. Ring 101 & report the twit.  
by (4.9k points)
@wolsey Merrell Cheers Steve, a lot of kneejerk reactions in here and some aren't even in the same country lol.  
by (1k points)
@wolsey Merrell Thank you  
by (870 points)
Steve is correct. If a projectile lands outside his boundary its classed as armed trespass. And is a very serious matter.  
+3 votes
by (590 points)
Carnt shoot air rifles in your garden
+72 votes
by (3k points)
Why come on here to ask advice? Is it not obvious that it should be reported ‍♀️
+32 votes
by (800 points)
Shoot him
by (1.4k points)
@trigg so funny☺
+85 votes
by (810 points)
999 mate
+67 votes
by (3.2k points)
Post is a joke
+76 votes
by (820 points)
Ring police an get it logged. The only time u can shoot is eitha on private property. Eg farm land or shoot clubs. In rural areas people use them for getting rid of rats. I would report it and get it log. A few years ago it was on the news about a child gettin hold of a loaded rifle and another of a grandparent who shot his granson as didnt no it was still loadedan was playing around with it.  
+59 votes
by (840 points)
Police xx
+17 votes
by (4k points)
Phone police not supposed be used in gardens only ranges and also killing wildlife
by (860 points)
@interplay32799 not an air rifle. So long as all stays on private property. Just found this out because of a farmer shooting our cat!  
+69 votes
by (2k points)
Omfg police ASAP!  
+75 votes
by (820 points)
I had this when my kids were little I asked the police and they said air guns were allowed on the person property but as long as the pellets land in their garden. but killing birds is another thing. ring the Police x
+18 votes
by (2.8k points)
Police, straight away. I hope you’re all ok. X
+97 votes
by (800 points)
Police its afire arms offence
+73 votes
by (1.6k points)
He's probably got Mental health issues so alert the police  
+69 votes
by (860 points)
Phone the police! It's anti social behaviour! Xx
+88 votes
by (830 points)
Wildlife law states they have to check on the prey and kill humanly it is illegal to leave any animal in pain/harm
+1 vote
by (2.1k points)
Police. 9s
+74 votes
by (860 points)
If he is approachable go have a talk with him. Of not, phone police and ask them to talk to him. If your in a suburb the police will do more than of in the country! We have a guy with no gun liscence using a 22 or 303 rifle, not an air one and he goes shooting from the roadside and towards our house. Police did nothing but a talk!  
+50 votes
by (2.4k points)
+23 votes
by (1.3k points)
Film and report to the old bill.  
+28 votes
by (1.7k points)
As a air gunner he can shoot on his property as long as the pellets dont exceed the boundary of his property. Phone 1o1 and ask the police to go and have a word
+90 votes
by (960 points)
Phone police
+32 votes
by (830 points)
Report them
+30 votes
by (3.6k points)
Bloody cruel it will be cats they are shooting next. Call the police.  
+13 votes
by (1.6k points)
Call the polic
+25 votes
by (3.4k points)
Phone the police. call 101 and say exactly what you wrote hear. xx
+105 votes
by (850 points)
Report them take video of it as proof x
by (1k points)
There are trees in between us. just heard a shot saw a bird fly out a tree and heard him say ‘nearly got him’
by (560 points)
@baghdad please ring the police!  
+1 vote
by (850 points)
Ring the police as you 1 have toddlers 2 he is a complete twat if he using in garden
+69 votes
by (1.2k points)
Fuck him up
by (1.2k points)
@ontology10074 Belle Benton return fire  
+67 votes
by (900 points)
Police. What a fuckin inbred
+72 votes
by (3.4k points)
Jasmine. send me your neighbours address and I’ll call them for you xxx
by (1.2k points)
@schoolman Newman do you know her, if your not in the same county you won't get her local police,  
by (3.4k points)
Could I not just call the police and say I see a post that was concerning and not give her name? Xxx
by (560 points)
@graybeard shes British.  
by (1.2k points)
@schoolman Newman yes should be able to, but if the situation was as serious as its being made out, then obviously she must of called the police
+54 votes
by (780 points)
Police police police
by (930 points)
You can ring 101 -police non emergency to register your concerns.  
+83 votes
by (840 points)
When it comes to kids and generally your safety you have to call the police i have a collection of air and gas pistols and rifles and although a member of a shooting club i do shoot at home but with the hugest of safety i mind, i also have a 4 and 6 year old . The target area is specifically designed for pellets to be fired at and covers a wide area. Shooting birds is not a nice thing firstly and trying to shoot birds i cant imagine what is either side should he miss. He sounds irresponsible and should be reported
by (1k points)
My house is the other side of the trees he was shooting
by (1k points)
My partner has heard one of the pellets whizz right past his head
by (840 points)
@baghdad yeah thats even worse, in direct line of fire and any pellets def def should tell him its not right and police called if not listened do
by (560 points)
Please tell me you’ve rang them?  
by (1k points)
@reiterant He’s not an approachable chap and considering I now know he likes to shoot living things I don’t think I’ll pop over for a chat  
+93 votes
by (760 points)
Get the police  
+99 votes
by (810 points)
Is your neighbor joe exotic ? xx
by (1.2k points)
@schoolman Keane this is obviously caral baskins fake account
by (870 points)
F**kin Carole Baskin
by (810 points)
@graybeard you’re about to get covered in sardine oil xx
+46 votes
by (1.3k points)
Definitely call the police
+99 votes
by (1.2k points)
Five o
+58 votes
by (2k points)
You need to report them they could really hurt someone call the police.  
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