+7 votes
by (480 points)
Anyone made outdoor chalk boards for kids?  
Anyone made outdoor chalk boards for kids?

5 Answers

+13 votes
by (680 points)
Best answer
My parents made some with ply wood. Make sure you gloss the back and edges to seal it (ish) from the rain. We had different shapes they lasted ages
by (480 points)
@patently927 thinking exterior ply, paint the back and edges with johnstone's wood care. Then put a trim around it and paint same colour. Then paint front of board with chalkboard paint
by (680 points)
We didn't have a trim around the edges and I had them for well over 5 years
+11 votes
by (380 points)
Yep! I got some old wood and sanded it down. I bought chalk paint from amazing for £5 and its fab! I painted 2 coats and my duo love it x
+1 vote
by (480 points)
Ply or mdf?  
+8 votes
by (330 points)
I want to do this too
0 votes
by (790 points)
Interested in this too, what typed wood? And what would you seal/protect the back of the wood with? Does it need to be under a bit of shelter to protect the chalkboard bit? X
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