+2 votes
by (180 points)
Hi everyone, I am new here but here goes. I am running a campaign using placements and a target CPA. The campaign is running well but most of the traffic is coming from one placement and others have plenty of traffic. How do I get impressions to the other placements? Do I start a second ad group and move all the placements NOT get much traffic? Any thoughts?  
Hi everyone, I am new here but here goes.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (4.2k points)
What sort of placements - Youtube channels, websites, App's, else? If there is enough(for the case) traffic, I usually split the placements into different campaigns in order to control the bid and the budget as well.  
by (4.2k points)
What you are using is automated strategy so you have no control over impressions. What I would do if I was in your case - take the winning placement and bid and make a new campaign for them. You can either use CPA if you want automation, or manual CPC/CPM if you want control. Then the rest I would place into one campaign with manual bid, with different Ad sets for each placement. Then evaluate the quality of the traffic for each Ad set(placement) - session duration and bounce rate. If something from these Ad sets(placements) start to convert or at least shows quality visits extract it again to a single campaign for it as above. Then repeat and etc
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