+7 votes
by (280 points)
I’m new to ads.  But why does my clicks number not add up when I count up my phrases clicks?I’m new to ads. But why does my clicks number not add up when I count up my phrases clicks?  
I’m new to ads.  But why does my clicks number not add up when I count up my phrases clicks?

6 Answers

+6 votes
by (1.9k points)
Best answer
Your ads are also shown on google display network. clicks coming from there are also counted
+7 votes
by (340 points)
Because it's all a racket
+5 votes
by (680 points)
Clean your screen
+7 votes
by (2.5k points)
What’s the main goal of the campaign?  
+5 votes
by (640 points)
Search terms reports shows nearly 50 percent only of your clicks.  
+6 votes
by (9.4k points)
A lot of queries will not show up in reports.  
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