+3 votes
by (410 points)
Trying to restructure an account that's broken out by match type on an ad group level. Will quality score on a keyword improve if I isolate the exact match in an ad group vs. using a STAG? I dont want to go back to SKAGs that's for sure. just curious if STAGs impact exp. CTR on a keyword level? Or should I move to an Alpha/Beta campaign build? The account is a mess, trying to consolidate to improve management and increase efficiency.  
Trying to restructure an account that's broken out by match type on an ad group level.

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (200 points)
Hey @ichang27361 - I’ve been working on a few similar restructures over the past few months after coming onboard at a new agency. Hit me up on messenger and I’d be happy to chat and share some thoughts!  
by (410 points)
Thanks @lombard - sending a message now!  
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