+2 votes
by (670 points)
So i want you guys opinion about the following. I run several CPL campaigns, and started on 04-05-20 with a new campaign. I have made several sub-groups for the keywords like Broad/Group/Exact targeting. Each sub-group has about 30/40 Text-ads in them for best A/B testing. and with al groups combined its about 500 advertisements. First 5 days i have set the campaign going for maximize conversies. And so far spend about: €915, 00 and made: €1135 (So not to bad) first 2 days i was in negative ROI, and now each day 100% ROI so far. But i also see that Google is keep decreasing the CPC bid. which lowers my income. My target is 50% ROI , but i need to keep volumes high, as i have a big budget that i need to spend (due to my business model) Now i'm just wating untill the first 5 days of the learning are over, but now i'm wondering, when the 5 days are over, what should you do? A) Go for ROA campaign setting B) Go for CPA Goal Important for me (like i already said) keeping the clicks volume high, as the CVR is pretty high anyways (almost always 20/25% CVR) Also of course, when i'm going to switch campaign settings, i will start excluding bad performing ads :)
So i want you guys opinion about the following.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (820 points)
Can help with this if you need mate, a lot going on in this question that cant be simply explained as a comment.  
by (670 points)
@crashing67734 yeah I already found out the CPA Goal is the way to go if someone is working on CPL, ROA is more interesting for webshops.  
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