+6 votes
by (1.9k points)
Anyone else have/had this issue?. first week I lost 15lbs. SW was 200 lbs. I’m now at 3 1/2 weeks in and keep teetering between 184-187. Up and down but not below the 15 lbs I lost in week 1. I have been “eating the sheet” to a T. I understand water weight could effect this, but when should I expect to be moving back at a decline?. I keep telling myself since middle of week 2 to wait it out and it should drop but it’s very discouraging and worried there’s something I’m doing wrong even though I’m almost 100% I’m eating everything I’m supposed to and correctly. So frustrating  
Anyone else have/had this issue?.

4 Answers

+5 votes
by (600 points)
Best answer
You have to change your expectations! Just celebrate a loss, wether it be inches, lbs, dress size or just feeling great!  
by (1.9k points)
@ancipital I swear I’m doing everything right but I’m worried maybe there’s something I’m missing or misunderstood and am doing wrong to cause this and I want to fix it now before I get stuck staying at this weight and not know why  
+2 votes
by (360 points)
I bet you are losing inches how do your pants feel?  
by (1.9k points)
@finsen10 Borah I have neglected to measure my inches from the second I started. I need to just do it. Idk why I haven’t. It may be that I’m too scared to see the numbers but I feel like I look like I’ve lost inches. Can tell in the morning. I just don’t know where I would be gaining for the weight number not to drop. No way I’m gaining muscle because I hurt my back and have been sitting at work all day doing nothing lmao
+5 votes
by (460 points)
Happened to me too then on my 4th week I went down almost 6 pounds. Try not to look at it on a daily basis but as an average. I’m now in week 6 and doing the same thing. The weight will come off. So many factors come into play for daily fluctuations: water weight, bm’s, hormones, sometimes our bodies just are a little stubborn and it could be that you are losing inches not so much weight that week. That seems to be how my body works. The weeks I lose weight I don’t lose much inches but the weeks I don’t lose much weight I lose inches. ‍♀️ Google the whoosh effect. Some disagree with it but I’m a believer. You got this! Just stay the course. ❤️
+5 votes
by (3.7k points)
I had to choose to only weigh monthly. I know its not for everyone, but it is really working for me.  
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