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by (220 points)
Hi!  My name's @stinkweed, and I'm new to the group.Hi! My name's @stinkweed, and I'm new to the group. So, I did Ideal Protein with some success before I got pregnant with my now 3 yr old daughter. After doing the alternative plan for a couple weeks now, I'd like to get back into exercising. I'm not looking to switch to the athlete plan (I'm no athlete), but I do like to go out for a jog or bike ride 5x a week since it helps me manage my stress. Could I stick with the 3 packets/veggies/ 8oz. protein a day? Should I consider adding a packet or more protein? Not sure if it matters, but I have about 35 lbs to lose. Thank you!  
Hi!  My name's JoAnn, and I'm new to the group.

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