+8 votes
by (230 points)
Speed Keto vs Regular keto.? Starting my journey soon. Please help! Thanks!  
Speed Keto vs Regular keto.?

5 Answers

+1 vote
by (26.9k points)
Best answer
Easy. I can help you with that. Keto is what you are currently doing. Tracking macros, reading labels, wondering if you are doing it "right". Speed Keto is an accelerated weight loss program that takes the guesswork out. Speed Keto is a 31 day program that includes shopping lists, meal planner, recipes, coaches to help you along the way, a private FB page for group support and best of all no macro counting. The program is all laid out for you. every day. There is a variety of meals. beef, chicken, seafood, veggies, salad, eggs.  
by (110 points)
@logan not trying to be snarky, honest question here, what about after the 31 days? I get you can’t go back to inhaling a whole pizza or sneaking all the cookies after the kids go to bed, but do you have to like no-carb it for life? I tried keto, didn’t count macros or anything but cut out all carbs, all sugars, did all that Jazz. 5 months and lost 2 pounds! TWO! And as soon as I went back to regular eating, not crazy eating but just regular eating, I gained like 10 pounds.  
by (26.9k points)
@summary83933 sk teaches you to continue keto after or you can continue on to another round. You have to want it. keto is a way of life not an on off yoyo diet
0 votes
by (26.9k points)
Www. SpeedKetoSuccess. com
+1 vote
by (230 points)
I would consider doing this however there are many reports by physicians saying this is harmful to people with underlying conditions. Can you elaborate on that please April? Thnk u
by (800 points)
@surber I’m not sure what reports you’ve seen, but I can tell you personally, I reversed Thankspe II diabetes (absolutely no meds for close to a year now), and further reduction in meds for cholesterol, blood pressure, etc. I have no inflammation (unless I eat seeds/nuts). I’m not saying I haven’t struggled at times and gotten off track. not due to carbs, processed foods, but from increased portions and increased dairy which I’ve learned to limit. I may “stall” but eventually continue to lose but most important is I continue with improved health. and i’mthankful my Dr’s are my loudest and most supportive cheerleaders.  
by (230 points)
@accessible6465 thnk u. I will do some more research. Its more for heart related issues. the high fat content is a problem.  
by (800 points)
@surber true, but’s it’s healthy fats, like avocado, olive oils, etc. if using any of the processed fats then yes there could be issues. my cardiologist is one of the supporters of my WOE. I limit red meat, use egg whites more frequently than whole eggs but I also use whole eggs, I tend towards more fish, pork, chicken. I love my cheese but that will stall me so I limit that for a treat once in awhile. Have a discussion with your DR showing him portion amounts and types of fats. This WOE might work for you but please always discuss with your Dr. as they willing have the knowledge for your particular health issues. And then enjoy the journey to better health.  
by (230 points)
@accessible6465 thnk u so much. I will do that and consider the program.  
by (8.1k points)
@surber @radiculitis31, you might want to tell her about your journey.  
by (230 points)
@pelops I would love to hear it! Thnk u
by (26.9k points)
Hey squirrelly so glad you joined us! sorry have been dealing with a ton of pain here and resting as much as i can, but i agree with everything @accessible6465 says. the isssue is most doctors do not even understand Keto, they still think the SAD standard american diet, is good. Also many are linked up with big pharma. the key is get a good keto doctor and research some of the big ones. Dr Ken Berry, Dr Fung and Dr Berg are some of the best around look them up on youtube! you will love Berry! Also keep in mind fats are just to help fill you up. Healthy fats as mentioned above, they are not a goal, your protein is. Keto is about healing from the inside out. You don;t lose weight to get healthy, you get healthy to lose weight.  
by (26.9k points)
Some good info to get you started! Best way to start is by going to announcements We have worked very hard to provide the tools to help you on your journey!  Second step- watch the intro videos and read the rules while you are there , Watch this Macros video and never let an app calculate your macros. Keep it Simple Keep it Keto !  Need posters to help keep you on track, check out our help pages listed here---> https://www. facebook. com/groups/DailyKetoMeals/permalink/2215953985119016/ While you are there take a peek at the sneaky products page to see some products a huge amount of members thought were keto. ----> https://www. facebook. com/media/set/. Enjoy the recipe card album and feel free to save them to your devices. The search bar will allow you to check for popular already answered questions. It is a wonderful tool! In Our files you will find simple directions on how to use search bar to find collections of recipes that have been added. ----> https://www. facebook. com/notes/daily-keto-meals/search-recipe-hashtags/2244031785644569/ Make sure if you have not already check out our announcements.  
by (26.9k points)
@leonteen @antonina @stomacher596 @anachronistic6254 just a few that can share their wonderful journeys with keto! :)
by (230 points)
@logan thnk u!  
by (230 points)
@logan hope u feel better tornado. Thnks for the help.  
by (690 points)
@surber My doctors (general, pulmonologist, and cardiologist) are more than pleased with my progress. My aortic valve was replaced in 2017 and I have been on warfarin ever since. My asthma symptoms have diminished greatly. The inflammation in my knees, ankles, and feet is gone which reduced arthritis pain so much it is almost non existent. I was prediabetic, but my last A1C was 5. 1 which put me in normal range. I used to get sick every winter. The last two winters I didn't even have a cold. I've lost 97 lbs with pre-existing conditions, post menopausal, and about to be 60.  
by (230 points)
@radiculitis31 wow! That is awesome. R u on regular Keto or did you do Speed Keto?  
by (690 points)
I was Speed Keto for 11 rounds with short periods of regular Keto between. I've been more maintenance but still keto for the last 6 months. I plan to do another round when I am allowed to leave home. I prefer to shop for myself.  
by (230 points)
@radiculitis31 thnk u for sharing and answering my questions. I appreciate it! Kudos to u!  
by (8.1k points)
@surber be sure to check out her before and after pictures here. Just type her name in the search bar.  
by (230 points)
@pelops thnk u
+1 vote
by (2.6k points)
Speed Keto is an awesome and easy program that works. I love it because everything is all laid out for you with many recipes to choose from and you don’t have to count macros. It has not only helped me lose weight, it’s lowered my cholesterol, and helped with my RA joint inflammation and pain. Love the program.  
+2 votes
by (220 points)
Speed Keto if you want to really see results fast, it guides you with a pretty easy to follow program. simple recipes, i feel like you save money because of fadting, etc. My friend and her daughter are on their first round. lost 13. 6 and 8. 2lbs in 13 days. You can do continuous rounds to make life simpler or just switch over to regular keto afterwards
The Keto Diet Group is where you can always find questions, answers, advice, reviews & recommendations from other community members about recipes, meal plans, and tips for the ketogenic diet.

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