+7 votes
by (5.4k points)
Happy Valentine's Day!  I wanted to reach out and send you all love and gratitude for being a part of The Branch.Happy Valentine's Day! I wanted to reach out and send you all love and gratitude for being a part of The Branch. I also wanted to talk about something a little more serious. Today, is also V-Day, a movement to end violence against women. Are you in an abusive relationship right now? Are you being disrespected verbally or physically by anyone in your life? Have you been a victim of rape, sexual assault or other violence? Is it time for you to reach out to someone for help about anything that you have been through, past or present. I encourage you to face these issues head on because they don't go away without working through them. Find a counselor to talk to, share your story with a trusted friend or even find organizations like Family Shelter Service of Metropolitan Family Services DuPage that help women and children. I am also opening up myself as a resource. Do you feel like you don't have anyone to talk to or confide in? Whether we know each other personally or not, I invite you to email me at drcathy@thebranchmoms. com. While I won't be able to be a full-time resource for everyone, I will do my best to connect you to the right people or services to help you. I will keep anything you share with me 100% confidential (unless I know you are in serious immediate danger). Today, please know that you are worth being respected and loved. Dr. @thirteenth2 Founder of The Branch
Happy Valentine's Day!  I wanted to reach out and send you all love and gratitude for being a part o

6 Answers

+5 votes
by (4.8k points)
Love your ❤️. Today and everyday.  
0 votes
by (490 points)
What a thoughtful post @thirteenth2. Verbal and emotional abuse are just as damaging as physical abuse. Women need to know they do not under any circumstances, deserve to feel under attack or belittled in any way. Realizing that you aren't the problem is the first step. Thank you for your constant kindness to others!  
+6 votes
by (290 points)
You have a beautiful heart, my friend!  
+3 votes
by (240 points)
Happy Valentine's Day you are amazing and special! ❤
0 votes
by (180 points)
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for sharing this! <3
+6 votes
by (5.2k points)
I also open myself up as a resource ❤️ you don’t have to feel like you are alone! You can escape your abusive relationship! No matter how impossible it may seem right now, you can do it and THRIVE!  
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