+16 votes
by (3.3k points)
Hi moms.  My daughter is in need of some iv antibiotics due to an infection.Hi moms. My daughter is in need of some iv antibiotics due to an infection. Doctor is recommending IV Vancomycin. Does anyone have any experience with this drug via IV? I’m definitely worried.  
Hi moms.  My daughter is in need of some iv antibiotics due to an infection.

14 Answers

0 votes
by (1k points)
Best answer
Have given it tons of times to patients both IV and oral. I never had a patient w a reaction or significant side effects. I do remember it should not be given quickly (no less than over 1 hour) . can cause flushing/burning in face /neck.  
+6 votes
by (2.2k points)
, it depends what the infection is. I’d be worried too, but there are some infections that require that sort of strong antibiotic
0 votes
by (2.2k points)
Does she have MRSA
by (3.3k points)
@detainer1 staph found in spinal tap
by (2.2k points)
@experienced2997 . So sorry. I hope she gets good treatment  
by (830 points)
@experienced2997 very sensible! Staphylococcus meningitis can be fatal if not treated aggressively! Do it now!  
by (4.6k points)
@ethereal yes, That's the right treatment, benefit definitely out weighs risks.  
by (2k points)
@experienced2997 my daughter who is now 4 had to have it at 2 weeks old (she was born at 22 weeks). She had MRSA gram negative (in her blood) and it was the only thing that gave her a chance to survive. She was on it for I believe 2-3 weeks.  
+2 votes
by (220 points)
Watch for something called “red man”—it looks like a red rash. My son is allergic to Vanco, but sometimes still needs it. He just has to be pre-medicated with Benadryl and they have to run the IV slow (over 2 hours).  
by (4.6k points)
@pilgrimage the red man syndrome is more of an infusion reaction than true allergy. Like you've said often slowing down the infusion rate and giving pre medications can prevent it from happening
by (220 points)
@inboard thanks for taking the time to correct me
+4 votes
by (3k points)
I had to have strong IV antibiotics (gentamicin) for an infection. Talk to the doctor, understand the risk/benefits, ask if a lower strength is used what the risks are. Then make your informed decision. They will watch for her physical reaction to the medicine and they should monitor her body's immune response as she's on it (via blood counts). Best wishes on a speedy recovery!  
+12 votes
by (3.9k points)
I’m a peds RN and have given it IV to several infants. I have rarely seen a reaction. I hope your daughter feels better soon!  
+4 votes
by (1.2k points)
I’m an RN. Just needs to be given slowly! Vanco is very effective via IV. I’ve seen very mild flushing in patients but not the full blown “Red man syndrome” where there’s a significant reaction. Nurse should be monitoring your daughter’s response to the medication anyways! Hope your daughter feels better soon ❤️
+2 votes
by (580 points)
I had it when I had MRSA years ago, I got red man syndrome and it made me vaginally bleed and cramp. I didn’t say anything because I thought perhaps I was getting my period but that stopped right when the IV did. Apparently it’s super rare, my infectious disease doctor had to look it up because in her 17 years she never saw it- lucky me  I was allergic to everything so I finished the IV. they watched me closely. They said to stay away from this medicine if possible in the future as the reaction could be worse. They will be watching her carefully. It’s scary, but it’ll be ok. Hugs.  
+5 votes
by (2.5k points)
A doc put me on Clindamycin (I know that is spelled wrong) for an infection in my finger, or so we thought. Anyway, I got Cdiff. I had to go on two rounds of Vanco. I am someone who reacts to everything. I’m allergic to anything and everything! Vanco did nothing adverse to me whatsoever. I couldn’t believe it. Let’s just say that was around 14 months ago and I will do just about anything to never go on an antibiotic again. Not because of vanco, but because of what the Clindamycin did to destroy my gut. Since then, I take Florastor daily and will never not take a probiotic.  
+4 votes
by (280 points)
My daughter was hospitalized at 3 months and had vanco IV, for 2-3 days for infected abdominal cyst, planning to surgically remove cyst on 4th day. Infection cleared beautifully and no surgery was needed. I hope it is safe for you as well. Good luck!  
+5 votes
by (3.2k points)
I hope your daughter feels better soon @experienced2997
+13 votes
by (550 points)
My dad just did IV Vanco a couple months ago. Sounds terrifying when you first hear the treatment plan or read about MRSA but hang in there mama, lots of yogurt drinks, regular probiotic and TLC. I hope your family gets relief soon and your daughter heals faster than imagineable
+9 votes
by (3.3k points)
Thank you all!  
+3 votes
by (1.1k points)
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