+11 votes
by (250 points)
Ladies w newborns.  I’m due in August and wondering what kind of (additional) restrictions ( if any) that you are doing w having a newborn?Ladies w newborns. I’m due in August and wondering what kind of (additional) restrictions ( if any) that you are doing w having a newborn? Anything advised from your ob or ped? Visitors, etc? Thanks!  
Ladies w newborns.I’m due in August and wondering what kind of (additional) restrictions ( if any)

9 Answers

+12 votes
by (10.2k points)
Best answer
Hoping to have immediate family meet her and maybe a few close friends that we see in the neighborhood. Not sure who will get to hold her. We have to have someone stay with our other kids at our house she comes.  
by (10.2k points)
Due at the end of August
+12 votes
by (1.8k points)
I'm not pregnant, but when I was, I made everyone get their Tdap and flu shot before they could see the baby. If I were pregnant now, but not due for a few months, (assuming social distancing is over) honestly, I'd make everyone wear a mask. And very limited visits. If there was any potential risk, I wouldn't let them hold the baby. There's just not enough known about it yet, to know how big the risk could be. With a newborn especially, it's just not worth it. Obviously hand washing upon entering your home (but this should be done regardless with a newborn), but especially now. I think it's truly up to you with what timeline you're comfortable with having visitors/who you want to visit. Congratulations!  
+14 votes
by (6k points)
I’m due tomorrow (still no signs this baby is actually going to come anytime soon though) but hospitals won’t let anyone but my hubby in. And I’m thinking if we let people come over that maybe we would sit in the driveway 6ft or more apart so they could see t he baby if it were nice out. My sisters friend had a baby about a month ago and she let people come stand and look at the baby through the front window. Probably won’t be passing this baby off to anyone outside immediate family for a long time. I haven’t talked to my OB or ped about it.  
+11 votes
by (730 points)
I have a 3 week old. Our pediatrician told us only our immediate family can be around the baby without gloves or a mask. We have only taken her out for doctor appointments and a few walks outside. My parents and aunt who lives close by that helps with our 4 and 5 year old have seen her but wears a mask and gloves and still keeps a distance. Otherwise lots of hand washing and we only allow our other 2 kids to hold her after they had a bath. I delivered at prentice. No visitors. My husband was with me and he had to wear a mask the entire time we were in our hospital room. I had a C section and he was in the OR with me. They did test me for Covid in triage when I went into labor and was negative.  
+13 votes
by (1.2k points)
We have a newborn and because of covid we haven't let anyone meeting him closer than 6-10 feet. Even though this virus tends to target the older population there's still a lot of unknown. Plus the people who would want to see him are the older population (grandparents) who we would be putting at risk since we were at the hospital, doctors appts etc so we are being really cautious
+12 votes
by (1.1k points)
I’m due in four weeks and just had a conversation with my pediatrician about this topic this week. We will need grandparents (who we’ve not been seeing in quarantine) to stay in our house 1-2 days with our other children, while we are at the hospital. Ped advises having grandparents do a “self quarantine” for a couple weeks before baby arrives, if they want to be in our home with our kids and meet newborn baby. She thought if they have followed that, grandparents holding baby with masks on and clean hands would be okay (no kissing or close to face). But she did say the first couple weeks after baby is born we should be the most cautious. Probably outside of grandparents (who we need in our home) we won’t have other visitors for a while.  Sitting outside on a nice day with baby, doc recommended, is a good option for visitors to see baby too!  
+8 votes
by (950 points)
I delivered in March. No one has been within 6 feet of her except for the people that live in our home and her doctor. I want her to be a bit older before we start bringing her around others. My husband is an essential worker so he is bringing home enough as it is.  
+13 votes
by (2.9k points)
So I am being induced Wednesday and even though my husband and I had our own thoughts on what we should do, I called my pediatrician yesterday because I wanted everything to come from her and not be the bad guy. Main takeaways for allowing a visitor to come: *they will have had 2 weeks in quarantine (meaning no interaction with anyone living outside the home). *IF you decide to have visitors, masks are to be worn regardless of 2 week quarantine. *if allowing visitors to hold baby, zero kissing baby or touching his/her face. Preferably cradle to hold baby, not up on the shoulder or chest *overall, try to limit visitors until baby gets his/her first shots at 2 months, and still be cautious after that time period (masks and quarantine period more recommended vs required). She basically broke everything down into risk factors. people who blatantly disregard social distancing should NOT be allowed at all, they are high risk. Moderate risk includes those who go to stores infrequently or may work in a small office setting with the same people who are also following social distancing rules. Low risk is people who have kept the same people in their circles and know where each person has been. Hope that helps! Above all, you are your child’s best advocate and the decision of who comes around your fragile newborn is yours, not grandparents/aunts/cousins/friends.  
+7 votes
by (2.8k points)
I’ve been working with as a doula. Limited visitors. Most hospitals are requiring all delivering mommas to take covid nasal swab.  
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