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Vulnerability post: Does anyone else struggle with financial envy/competition of split families? I realize that may sound like an odd question so let me give some info. My step-daughter’s mother married a man that runs his own business and makes a very large salary; she was a stay at home mom and now works as his secretary since all her kids are in school. They are constantly buying vehicles, going on vacations and it seems like endlessly spending money (all on 1 salary). Stepdaughter’s mom also talks about how they are practically debt free and are starting a new business buying Airbnb’s and flipping houses. They also just got all new really fancy furniture and new (real) hardwood floors in their $300, 000 home. We on the other hand maybe make 60K combined and are doing everything we can to pay off debts and cash flow everything we do. We have enough but of course constantly hearing about what “mom” is doing is exhausting. It’s not something we can just shut off like social media because they’re obviously in our lives forever. It doesn’t bother my husband but it drives me insane constantly seeing the money and spending and sometimes even having to tell our daughter “no” because we simply can’t afford it. Stepdaughter doesn’t tell us this information greedily/bragging, just in friendly conversation.  
Vulnerability post: Does anyone else struggle with financial envy/competition of split families?

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