+2 votes
by (1.4k points)
Year books!  My son is in 5th grade and I haven’t gotten him a year book yet.Year books! My son is in 5th grade and I haven’t gotten him a year book yet. Would like to buy him one this year. I got an email from HR Imaging to order from there and it seems like it gets shipped here. Does that sound right? I’ve never done it like this when I was in school. ‍♀️ (Grand Prairie Elementary)
Year books!  My son is in 5th grade and I haven’t gotten him a year book yet.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (3.6k points)
My daughter was Grand Prairie and now Timber Ridge and when we order through HR imaging it ships it to the school for her. Is it asking you to enter a shipping address?  
by (1.4k points)
@patten no it has the schools address in there. I just wanted to make sure we have to order through there now.  
by (3.6k points)
@laine617 ok yeah it will go to the school then and they will give it to him. It seems like that’s the way they are doing it now instead of the normal paper forms. I always save my email confirmation of my order just in case there are any issues.  
by (1.4k points)
@patten thank you!  
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