+10 votes
by (830 points)
Dog anxiety question: my husband and I separated and I moved out. We decided the 12 & 11 year old dogs were too old too move. And we also kept our 4 year old high strung German Shepherd at his house because she’s a pack dog and needs to be with other dogs and my kiddos. Since I moved out her anxiety has tripled and she won’t rest or sleep well and my ex wants to rehome her. I can take her to my new place but she NEEDS to be around other dogs and not home alone while I’m at work. Any ideas to calm her anxiety and keep her with her doggie sisters?  
Dog anxiety question: my husband and I separated and I moved out.

9 Answers

+9 votes
by (890 points)
Talk to your vet about anxiety meds. Also CBD or these might help. They work for my anxious dog.  
by (2.6k points)
@hearne3372 we also use these!  
+1 vote
by (2.6k points)
I was also going to suggest CBD
+6 votes
by (310 points)
If you moving triggered your pup’s anxiety I doubt an entire new family will improve anything. Would you consider a second dog for her? Cbd helps my neighbors dog a great deal! Good luck!  
+3 votes
by (830 points)
I’m trying to find ways to help. I’ve rescued all three of them and never want to rehome them
0 votes
by (3.9k points)
What about a doggie daycare? My babysitter sends her dog there when she’s at my house but for her dog it’s more for entertainment then anxiety issues.  
+5 votes
by (1.1k points)
Check out @unstuckDogs. They have doggie day care and Kyle Bright is an amazing trainer that could give you suggestions to help your girl.  
+4 votes
by (270 points)
CBD oil
0 votes
by (370 points)
Second dog if you can handle having another one. but she may miss her other fur buddies. I hope you find a solution. poor baby miss you.  
+2 votes
by (2.8k points)
Believe it or not they have doggie Xanax. Talk to your vet. My dogs take it around 4th July and when we have parties cuz they get anxiety and it calms them down
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