+21 votes
by (580 points)
Is adding Image Alt Text to all the images on a website entail disadvantage instead of advantage, I mean what if Google sees it as over-optimization? In that case, is it advisable to only add alt text to some images that are also relevant and are on money pages or conversion-optimized landing pages? And if NO it's important to add alt text to every images the is it advisable to add generic alt text like "person", "building" instead of SEO optimized alt text?  
Is adding Image Alt Text to all the images on a website entail disadvantage instead of advantage, I

13 Answers

+10 votes
by (1.5k points)
Best answer
All images used within a website should have alt text, especially in the United States where the Americans with Disabilities Act requires that you consider visitors who might be using assisting devices to view a website. Without alt text those users wouldn't know what the image actually is/says. At the same time, Google uses that information to better understand the "meaning" of the image, which goes into semantic search.  
by (190 points)
This 100%. You can get sued with no alt-text in america, and it is a positive ranking factor. There is no reason to have no alt-text.  
by (630 points)
Really? Sued?  
by (1.5k points)
@hidie sued. LOTS of lawyers going after non-ADA compliant websites.  
by (630 points)
@malinin Yep, I just read about them. Target and Beyoncé. Is this the new venture from ambulance chasers in the US?  
by (1.5k points)
@hidie for the time being, yes. Mainly as the current government has yet to publish new guidelines.  
by (790 points)
@malinin that's not quite right. All images shall have the attribute, but it shouldn't always be filled in Go to webaim. org for the rules of adding it
by (1.5k points)
@anglonorman my apologies, I combined my statements in a confusing way. Yes, you don't need to have alt text for all images for ADA purposes, although when lawyers are using automated tools why quibble? At the same time, alt text helps with SEO, so do it also.  
by (790 points)
@malinin you need to have the all text attribute on all images, but the attribute can, and at times should, remain empty that's a little clearer of a statement.  
0 votes
by (1.3k points)
If your images all require the same alt text - do you really need them all?  
by (310 points)
Alt text should describe what is in the image. how would all images require that?  
by (540 points)
If they are product images, he needs them all. Products rotated from all angles in my particular case. And tens of thousands of these. So I understand his struggle
by (790 points)
It's fine of the same item had the same text. Go to webaim. org for better undertanding.  
0 votes
by (2.7k points)
Alt text is not just for SEO. It's an important accessibility feature as well. Will Google see it as over-opitimization? Maybe, if you use the exact same alt text for every image. But if the alt text is all unique and relevant to the image, then no. Relevance is key here.  
+8 votes
by (810 points)
Alt text should describe the image in one short sentence
0 votes
by (5.2k points)
Use relevant images, and describe them accurately. Don't cram alt text with keyword spam.  
+19 votes
by (580 points)
Thanks guys, this did help
+14 votes
by (2.3k points)
Plus img with out alt text is a ads violation
+16 votes
by (840 points)
No unless its a photography website. Describe the image (lsi)
+10 votes
by (370 points)
It is good fot SEO. But don’t forget to give them an optimized file name.  
+14 votes
by (1.4k points)
As far as i know it is a ranking factor, SEO Audit tools count that as a ranking factor.  
+18 votes
by (810 points)
Its not over optimization but you are giving some life to dead images
+1 vote
by (790 points)
The only way took can get hit for over optimization is if you spam the alt text. The alt text attribute should be on every image. Not all attributes get text. If the image is decorative, you leave it blank. Never put "image" or "photo of" in the text. Very briefly describe what's I'm the image. If the image is words and the words aren't in the caption, as those to the alt text. If the image is say of an apple, you just write apple or red apple. If the image is linked, the alt text acts as regular anchor text. You can learn all about it here: webaim. org
+7 votes
by (10.9k points)
Just make sure the image has a keyword relevant filename. Alt text I never bother with
by (790 points)
@meretricious you should
by (10.9k points)
You should do a lot of things. I focus on the stuff that matters
by (11.4k points)
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