+7 votes
by (220 points)
Is there any residential smart lock that has a keypad, can be used with proximty fob or NFC in phone and works with Android?  
Is there any residential smart lock that has a keypad, can be used with proximty fob or NFC in phone

2 Answers

+3 votes
by (1.5k points)
Best answer
Yale has some options. Then there is IDLock. They’re both ZWave so it can work with SmartThings or equivalent. They’re much safer than a key and both have 9v external contacts to power it up just Incase the batteries run out (about 1yr life)
+1 vote
by (3.6k points)
It's not a good idea to use smart locks externally
by (4.2k points)
@vine just as safe as a key.  
by (3.6k points)
No it's not at all, I need to get a key make a copy, locks can be hacked, it really is a bad idea
by (460 points)
@vine and physical locks can be picked. In fact most residential locks are laughably insecure
by (3.6k points)
Not dead locks, but hay I not going to argue, if you think a wifi lock is secure go for it.  
by (17.1k points)
@vine I’d much rather give out codes to my dog walker, house cleaner, etc than give out keys that can be copied. I get notified whenever a specific code opens the door. My smart lock is not wifi by the way, it’s zwave.  
by (17.1k points)
I also use them on my airbnb, it integrates with the airbnb calendar so I don’t have guests accessing a lock box with a key that can be copied, lost, stolen. A guest code only works for the duration of their stay.  
by (3.6k points)
Wifi can be accessed a lot easier, smart locks wont work on upvc doors that have multi lock levers ie the type of door you have to push the handle up to lock. You choose. But I advise against it and I do this stuff for a living
by (5.6k points)
I do security for a living as well. Door locks don't really stop anybody that truly wants into the house. Destructive entry is always an option, and so is other ingress points like windows. As for the debate between keys and Wi-Fi coded locks. How many people have the skill to use a key, versus how many people have the skill to hack a door lock. Risk management always includes likelihood as a metric. That WiFi lock is FARRRRRRRR more secure than your key lock. And yes, that includes deadlocks. People that argue how easy it is to hack a door lock don't do a lot of physical penetration testing.  
by (3.6k points)
Then as you do it as a business you will know, that if you have a multi lock Pvc door smart locks wont work, ie if you have to push the handle up to lock a smart lock wont do it, so no smart locks dont beat keys
by (910 points)
@vine not everybody has a PVC door though (isn't it actually upvc?  
by (3.6k points)
Well pretty much all the doors I come across are upvc, stronger locking,  
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