+3 votes
by (7.7k points)
Q regarding SmartThings wi-fi hub. Can anyone confirm that after a reboot it needs an internet connection to determine which SSID it should be broadcasting? I always dread a power outage or anything requiring a reboot because my system takes special incantations and dances to get everything back online! My system's a bit out the ordinary consisting of a Spectrum cable modem with ethernet connections to two wi-fi routers - one is SmartThings for all my SmartThings stuff and the other is an Asus for everything else. Each router has its own IP address assigned by the modem and usually works fine - until the power goes out! Well today the power didn't go out but the Samsung hub went offline for whatever reason (the Asus is still working fine). But however many times I cold reboot the Samsung it never broadcasts its SSID. So it's time to take a laptop out to the modem and try and get everything back, just hoping someone has some ideas for making this less painful in the future.  
Q regarding SmartThings wi-fi hub.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (840 points)
Get a UPS.  
by (7.7k points)
I didn't lose power today, just tried to reboot the hub. A UPS won't help
by (840 points)
@dye I have noticed one of my hubs have went offline a few times today. I think they are pushing some updates causing hub interruption.  
by (7.7k points)
Well now I power cycled it I can't get it back!  
by (6.6k points)
I hope you didn't power cycle it while it was updating. If so, you may be bricked it
by (7.7k points)
Nope, just get it back up! But if I ever lose power or internet while I'm away I'm screwed!  
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