+49 votes
by (230 points)
I just bought a 120 ounce motivational water jug. To those of you who drink lots of water a day. Does it help you and if so how?  
I just bought a 120 ounce motivational water jug.

33 Answers

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by (6.3k points)
120oz of water, yes it helps, you have to pee so much you don't have time to eat. LOL
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by (820 points)
Keeps me full so less snacking
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by (150 points)
Where did you get it.  
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by (3k points)
I have this on my desk at work and I usually get through 2 full carafes during the day which is 2 litres. In work meetings & dinners I get a litre or 1. 5 litre bottle in front of me and usually drink the lot. I find If there is water in front of me I’ll drink it. At home it’s easy as I always have a big glass of water wherever I am.  
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by (870 points)
Seriously? There is a "motivational" water jug? How does it do that? Surely, this is a joke!  
by (1.9k points)
@anglosaxon omg. I thought The same thing. Does it say encouraging things? Lol.  
by (870 points)
Oh dear. (sweat dripping off brow) Thank you @planter, I thought I was the odd one out for asking the question! I love WW, but this "motivational" bottle is a shocker. So maybe it's the written words, or the wide mouth, or could be the time marker that floats your boat and motivates. Maybe some one who has one can shed some light? I think it must be an American idea.  
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by (11.8k points)
Check with your doctor. I have heard you could deplete vitamins and minerals. We are not doctors.  
by (2.9k points)
@oquinn59 we definitely are not doctors and each individual is different -(and should consult a MD) -but most people can be safe drinking one gallon of water a day. Unless it’s a tiny person. Your nutrients can get depleted and you can even give yourself a heart attack or kidney problems if you’re drinking more than a gallon.  
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by (1.9k points)
There are apps like plant nanny that you can log your water intake . That might help.  
by (870 points)
I thought at first you were talking about an app that waters your pot plants for you! Must be something in the water!  
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by (910 points)
It has helped a lot.  
by (230 points)
@fulllength in what way @fulllength? I have been told by some that they notice a difference in their skin. I am obviously not drinking as much diet Pepsi bc I would float away. It has only been one week so far. Not sure if it will help actual weight loss.  
by (910 points)
I’m 55 and work out a lot. Losing weight is hard. Since drinking water I have lost weight. I’m fuller and haven’t been as hungry. I haven’t noticed a skin change but I have nice skin anyways. Working out I seem to have more energy. I drink Diet Coke as well and I have cut that down by 1 can a day. It’s been about 3 weeks and I think it’s worth it and I don’t really like drinking water.  
by (680 points)
@sibelius, drinking water help suppress the appetite, and it’s necessary for fat burning.  
by (910 points)
@atworth must be why it’s working for me.  
by (870 points)
Yes it is true you will notice a difference in your skin. it may take a little while, and you should also notice your lips will be more moist and fuller
by (680 points)
@fulllength, it was hard getting into the habit of drinking water and the trips to the bathroom until my body adjusted, ugh, but now, I feel better when I’m hydrated and I’m way more aware of when I’m getting dehydrated. My Mom grumbles when we go on road trips because, I like to bring a 5 gallon cube of water from home not all water taste like water. Lol
by (910 points)
The motivational bottle has helped me keep with it each day. I try to stay ahead of the line. I’m definitely committed to drinking it. Soooo many trips to the bathroom but I think of it as goodbye bad stuff in my body. Is tea ok to be part of your water?  
by (2.9k points)
@sibelius it will help flush out fat and also help you to stay within your calorie/pt range without suffering as much as you would without the water. Also get 25g fiber a day and the water (this is gross but true) with the fiber will clean up your intestines and gut and after 3 weeks or so you will start to poo the same time every day, it won’t stink or be sticky.  
0 votes
by (150 points)
I just started drinking water and not soda. I eventually got used to drinking lots of water. Now I go through a case of water each week.  
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by (200 points)
I put a tab of skinny syurp for different flavor
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by (150 points)
I have found that a straw helps me, I drink way more water if I’m drinking from a cup with a straw. Good luck!  
by (2.9k points)
@acromion me too. ❤️❤️❤️
0 votes
by (870 points)
So this "motivator" bottle is it a WW brand? Does it come in other colours?  
by (910 points)
@anglosaxon I got mine on amazon. I didn’t get the gallon I got the 1/2 gallon.  
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by (300 points)
I keep a 2 quart pitcher filled.  
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by (280 points)
It keeps my belly full so I eat less and I sont drink things I'm not suppose to like red bull lol
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by (1.2k points)
What about flavored hot teas? Would that help? Started drinking some every night
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by (18.6k points)
I keep a bottle of water handy and every time a read a post about water, I take an extra gulp.  
by (870 points)
Guuuuurgle… guuuurgle…. guuuurgle.  
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by (5.8k points)
First thing I do when I think about nibbling on something is drinking water. More often than not it helps me stay away from eating out of anxiety or boredom.  
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by (870 points)
I try and keep up the one full glass of water when I wake up, and before even a cup of coffee gets near my mouth. I never thought I could do it, but it's not that hard at all. I just thought it would be hard! We are creatures of habit, Good and bad habits
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by (960 points)
I buy the fat bubble tea straws at the asian grocery store to drink my water with and also I find that I drink more if I can't see through the container.  
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by (1.4k points)
I keep a 2 quart container in frig with a few fruits in it. It tastes so good And is convenient so I’m always in it. I like a slice of orange, a strawberry or 2 and a slice of lemon.  
by (870 points)
I like room temp bottled water, so at home I always have a glass and a bottle of water on the bench top. As someone said, if its on your desk and in your face you are more likely to drink it. I also got into the habit of carrying a bottle of water with me when going out. It gets heavy, so it encourages you to drink it. Every now and then, I have trouble with night eating. A big glass of water instead of looking for food, does work.  
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by (150 points)
I drink up to a gallon a day, . makes you less hungry but be prepared to be going to the restroom a lot
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by (8.4k points)
I always try to drink 65 oz of water a day which is oz. in half my weight
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by (150 points)
If I don't have my water bottle, I don't drink water. Having it with me always helps.  
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by (5.1k points)
I recently started drinking water - went from Soda, tea, Water with crush packs in it. Well I started buying splash which just has a dash of lemon, grape, mixed berry and I love it. I do not feel a need to add sugar to it like it I do any other water. I lost 4 lbs but more importantly, its not a chore to drink it and even better than that, my bladder is not being irritated by diet sugars. I can drink 40 oz of coffee inn the morning and I only have to pee 2x not 20x when really its just a dribble. So 4 lbs, liking the taste and noting having to think I have to pee every 6 minutes is wonderful
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by (1.1k points)
I use an app on my phone! very helpful to get all the water down!  
by (4.1k points)
@yalonda8 which app do you use?  
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by (150 points)
Mio in it makes it go down! Less hungry
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by (850 points)
Idk what it helps with exactly but I aim for 100 a day at least it doesn’t really seem to affect my weight loss but I do stay hydrated and I feel more full
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by (2k points)
I just fill a water jug everyday and drink it. Sometimes when I want a treat I tell myself drink the water and you can have it
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by (8.4k points)
If you’re feeling sluggish or hungry, most of the time it’s because of dehydration so water is a winner!  
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by (1.2k points)
I was bad about not drinking enough water. I add flavors to it. Plus I grow herbs and put mint leaves in it. A game changer for me. That’s all I drink now. And helped so much with my weight loss.  
0 votes
by (1.1k points)
I put these tea bombs they are organic and made from herbs and spices.  
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by (150 points)
No I honestly hate carrying the thing around with me it’s so big  
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by (410 points)
I read Amy’s book a year ago and believed in her and her ability to reach across the aisle. Loved her sense of humor. She fell in the polls, so I leaned towards Warren. After last night, I’m back in 100%. She’s got what it takes to beat the dictator!  
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