+15 votes
by (350 points)
What do you eat when you hate most veggies (or physically cannot eat them), beans, seafood? I love making my own smoothies but we aren't allowed to have those. I'm trying to find my work around but meal planning is hard with these. I'm also on blue. EDITED TO ADD: I do not eat "sugar-free" anything. Also, refuse to. I will gladly take the points for those and portion control it.  
What do you eat when you hate most veggies (or physically cannot eat them), beans, seafood?

10 Answers

+12 votes
by (690 points)
Best answer
We are allowed to have smoothies on WW, just have to count the points.  
by (350 points)
It is not encouraged though and they are high points, even homemade ones with fresh fruits/veggies. They want you to eat not drink everything.  
by (350 points)
WW. I'll attach the post
by (13.9k points)
@torchwood But it doesn't say you "can't". You just have to count them. That's why WW is a lifestyle, not a diet- nothing is off limits. You just have to count everything.  
by (350 points)
@zigzag Paul ok
by (1.6k points)
@highhanded maybe she’s not allowed them for another reason. On WW we can eat anything we want in moderation.  
0 votes
by (6.3k points)
What vegetables have you tried? Never say no to trying something new, there could be a vegetable out there for you.  
by (350 points)
I'm always down for trying new foods. But things like cabbage, celery, sweet potatoes/yams, squash, califlower. I just cannot get past. bleck!  
by (350 points)
Also, due to dietary restrictions/ fiber restriction, I cannot eat a lot of veggies, especially raw.  
by (4.6k points)
Maybe try roasting them, tossed with seasoning and balsamic. It creates a whole different flavor. I don't like raw veggies either
0 votes
by (3.2k points)
Why can’t you have smoothies? You can just count them and try adding veggies into them it’s a good way to have them
by (350 points)
I personally can. But WW does not encourage smoothies. They want you to eat than drink everything. This is why, even homemade ones with fresh fruits/veggies, are high in points.  
+9 votes
by (13.9k points)
You need to try some veggies. There are hundreds of them. There’s got to be some you like. ✔️You can eat anything you want just stay in your blue dots. Change your way of thinking about this. It’s not a diet! You need to experience new things. The more you do the better off you will be. Every one should try new things when you are little then you would not be in this situation
by (350 points)
I'm really trying. Something things I just cannot get past due to texture, or I just cannot literally stand the taste no matter how I make them.  
+10 votes
by (10.6k points)
You are allowed to have smoothies - just have to work them into your points
by (350 points)
Yes, but they are too high in points to want to use them. I have such a small number, and it's not always worth it to me.  
by (10.6k points)
That’s why it’s important to try new things - I have even learned to love to cook and make soups!  
by (350 points)
I'm trying, honestly. For me, its more than just "try new foods" and hope to like them, no matter how you make them (doing that too). If I cannot stand the taste no matter how I make them, it won't stick. Plus, I cannot have a lot of veggies in a day because of the fiber and harsh textures in the digestive system. So, I promise, I'm trying.  
+2 votes
by (4k points)
You're allowed to have anything you want you just have to count it
+7 votes
by (7k points)
I don’t like veggies but I do like salads with Bolthouse dressing. And I like cauliflower rice with sauce of some kind or broth. I don’t like a lot of fruits either but I like bananas. I’ve eaten two bananas a day since I started ww three years ago and I’m at lifetime under goal and that’s with eating very few vegetables. Sometimes I eat apples with peanut butter. I actually eat a lot of carbs but I just eat low point ones. Today I had oatmeal, a tiny pkg of cheezits, a turkey sandwich. I did put tomatoes and pickles on it. And a banana. And then I had a Freddys hamburger so that was all my points. Oh, I also had two mini snickers. When I’m hungry I chew sugarless gum or drink tea.  
+4 votes
by (2k points)
I only like roasted vegetables. Love roasted asparagus with garlic, and I can deal with broccoli roasted. Any other way I’d gag  Corn on the cob I love, and I’m good with salads. But honestly most of my veg has to be cooked in garlic or similar spices.  
+3 votes
by (2.7k points)
Eat the ones you can. Yogurt, chicken, turkey, leaner cuts of beef, pork tenderloin. Fresh fruit. Healthy grains. It’s more limited but still possible. I also sneak veggies in but not sure if that possibility works with unable to physically eat them.  
+6 votes
by (9.6k points)
My smoothies usually consist of a Premier Shake (2 points), some fat free plain yogurt (0 points), and 1/2 cup of frozen strawberries (1 point). For 3 points, it's delicious. I've never seen WW discuss if Yogurt is more in a smoothie--so I don't count it.  
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