+52 votes
by (1.1k points)
Have you ever thought about why we always set a goal of losing weight but not losing weight and keeping it off? Do you believe that losing weight and keeping it off is even possible?  
Have you ever thought about why we always set a goal of losing weight but not losing weight and keep

33 Answers

+9 votes
by (7.1k points)
Best answer
It absolutely can be done. The problem is we treat WW like a diet. It is NOT a diet. It’s a lifestyle change. Until people believe that and more importantly, change their lifestyle. the weight will continue to come back. Period.  
by (1.1k points)
Totally agree! To lose weight and keep it off for life you need to change your lifestyle for the rest of your life.  
+5 votes
by (3.2k points)
I have been in maintenance for 8 years! I got pregnant last year and am back to goal weight 5 mos post partum. It is possible!  
+6 votes
by (31.1k points)
Yes it can and has been done by many
+8 votes
by (2.9k points)
I’ve gained and lost the same 30 lbs, over and over again, for the last 30 years. I’m hoping staying with WW on the app and tracking will help stop the yo-yo dieting once and for all. Fingers crossed.  
by (1.1k points)
Stop hoping and start believing! You can absolutely do it! Especially with this community and support  
+13 votes
by (2.7k points)
Maintaining a good weight after loss can be the hardest part for the majority of people. This is why I want to get back to my Lifetime weight (soon). so I can continue with a healthy lifestyle that WW provides with their app.  
+39 votes
by (1.2k points)
Not any more. The older I get the harder to lose. Plans just don’t seem to work for me. Not now anyway.  
+30 votes
by (1.6k points)
I don't think diet. I celebrate my journey to wellness. There are so many factors which led to my weight gain. Learning to manage these, along with a healthy eating plan will ensure, this time, the pounds (mental and physical) will stay off. Let's encourage one another.  
by (1.1k points)
I love that! I believe that you'll achieve whatever you set your mind for. If you set it for losing weight and keep it off you'll be there.  
+21 votes
by (19.7k points)
I wish I could answer that question positively. I joined WW in early ‘80’s lost 100 pounds by 1982. I made lifetime then. Of course, At some point after I made it I got cocky and didn’t attend meetings or weigh in. Guess what, I gained 100 plus back. I’d lose it get overconfident and gain 100 plus plus back. I have lost a good 600 pounds since I originally joined. I am ow 82 years old. I never seemed to get it through my thick skull what I was doing to my body. Thank God I caught it this time before it got that bad. I still have 20 plus to lose. I pray once I get it back off this time I will have the will and strength to keep it off.  
by (19.7k points)
@undervalue maybe me putting it on FB where you all can see it it will help me. I lost two sisters whose death certificates said morbid obesity. I pray mine doesn’t say that, but that I died of old age
+10 votes
by (480 points)
I think it depends on why one is overweight in the first place, there's many different reasons.  
+35 votes
by (1.7k points)
It's tough for me because I love to cook and bake. it's a hobby for me and makes me happy. I don't plan to stop so I will be giving it away.  
+28 votes
by (13.4k points)
This is why I had to reframe the wording of my goals in my head. My goal is to live a lifetime of eating healthy and getting plenty of exercise. I know that if I keep this as my focus that I will get to my weight goal and keep it off.  
by (1.1k points)
Absolutely! You're doing it right. You need to be very clear of what you're aiming for. If it's just weight loss without even thinking about maintaining the result you'll lose weight but it will be impossible to keep it off. If your goal is to lose weight and keep it off your thoughts and actions will be directed on your goal.  
+8 votes
by (2.8k points)
Loosing weight is a moving target. We are always losing and gaining weight throughout our life. The trick is to keep both at a minimum  
+14 votes
by (7.3k points)
That's called maintenance. and the HARDEST part! So many people at my WW meeting talk about this. And I DO have that goal.  
+3 votes
by (5.4k points)
Working at staying healthy daily is hard , do your best and we all need to make good choices . it’s always hard
+30 votes
by (45.9k points)
I’ve come to realize accepting it as a lifelong change is the key. When you embark on losing “for a wedding” “for vacation” “for anniversary” or even “# pounds” — it plants the seed that there is an end. Once that end comes, we tend to just let up. If you approach it as permanent change to find balance, there is no end date
+34 votes
by (57.7k points)
Yes! I’ve been lifetime for over 3 years! It is now a lifestyle  
+33 votes
by (1.3k points)
I have lost 65 pounds and kept it off for 10 years :)
+41 votes
by (7.3k points)
I hope so!  
+21 votes
by (5.4k points)
This time around I went into this journey knowing keeping it off was even more important to me than losing it. Doing one without the other is just a waste of time and energy. Never again. I've been lifetime for over 8 months and still attend weekly meetings, track daily and do everything that I did to lose the weight.  
+36 votes
by (13.3k points)
I don’t think I’ll ever gain what I’ve lost but probably won’t ever make goal
+21 votes
by (10.3k points)
I think if you follow a sustainable plan while losing, than yes it is.  
+3 votes
by (55.1k points)
I think I have a chance on Purple. It doesn't feel like a diet. I think maybe I could eat like this for the rest of my life. Potato, pasta, brown rice, veggies. I'm not much into sweets.  
+30 votes
by (8.1k points)
Yes, I've been maintaining since 2008 (am now 68yo), lost 10 lbs more with Purple. Definitely possible to live the WW lifestyle for life!  
+6 votes
by (24.5k points)
I guess I keep my goals realistic for me. I’ve been on WW for a lifetime now. I’m still not at their goal for me . It’s to low for me to sensibly maintain with my lifestyle.  
+36 votes
by (24.3k points)
Yes and you have to work at it because you like food
by (1.1k points)
Well, I can't relate to that :) I chose not to over desire food. There so many things in our life to like and be obsessed about beyond food and that bring us so much more joy and satisfaction.  
+4 votes
by (3.7k points)
114 lbs and been 10 yrs . it's possible girl if done right  
+10 votes
by (37.2k points)
Lost 66 lbs kept it off for 10 yrs until my daughter became ill then I broke my hip then my mom got ill then died several months later my brother died then my aunt had a stroke then my uncle died. All this happened in about 1 yrs time and I let emotional eating back in also wasn’t able to exercise the way I had been. I didn’t gain it all back and now I’m here working on getting it off. But it is possible to keep it off
+40 votes
by (1.8k points)
I think maintenance is way harder than losing. I remained at goal for like five minutes. I've put back on 25lbs (of the 50 I lost). I'm trying to get it back off, but it seems so much harder this time. I never thought I'd put it back on, and yet I did. It's very frustrating. and I'm disappointed in myself. Now I realize that I will battle my weight for the rest of my life. losing the weight didn't fix me. I'm hoping this time taking it off I will learn from my mistakes and not put it back on again.  
+34 votes
by (990 points)
I am 83 and doing it all again. With living alone now, having had two hip replacements and kne knee replacement, being overweight is such a handicap when it comes to mobility. I wish you all well !  
+2 votes
by (3.3k points)
I hope so
+33 votes
by (71.6k points)
Of course it's possible. I lost 50 lbs and reached goal and Lifetime in 1994. However maintenance has been 1000x harder. I still have loses and gains. I still attend my meetings every Friday and weigh in. Lifetime are only is required once a month to weigh in. I need the accountability and I love my meetings and the commadarie. It's always HAR@pervious work no matter where anyone is on their own journey.  
+32 votes
by (38.2k points)
Yes, i believe it's possible. But you have to have the understanding that you can never go back to eating the way you used to. It will always be a struggle. You have to make life changes. There is no other way.  
+32 votes
by (18.3k points)
Yes, but maintenance requires the same attention to detail. When you start slacking on your portion control, the weight creeps up. If you let it creep too much, you are over and it just compounds. I have learned the hard way. I will no longer let my emotional eating rule my life. I am within 3 pounds of getting back to "free" lifetime! There is no finish line and we are never done.  
by (1.1k points)
@fleming2 totally agree! Losing weight and keeping it off is a lifetime goal.  
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