+19 votes
by (630 points)
Hello, has anyone seen results walking daily? I'm aiming for 15k steps per day. It would be great to know if this is an effective way to lose weight in addition to tracking points. Thank you.  
Hello, has anyone seen results walking daily?

17 Answers

+4 votes
by (10.2k points)
Best answer
It helps with weight loss, but even more important to me is that it is helping me keep the weight off! I’m down almost 90 pounds and this is my one year anniversary of reaching goal!  
+1 vote
by (270 points)
My personal experience is yes. I do at least 10000 steps a day. But to note, starting out your building muscle, so you may not see the weight drop right away. But stick with it
+9 votes
by (5.1k points)
Absolutely, keep up the good work, it was instrumental in my 40 lb weight loss. Remember to keep your body fed by getting enough protein!  
by (630 points)
@micron How long before you started to see results? It will help me stay motivated. Thank you.  
by (5.1k points)
@kevyn it took a little while as I started slow, like walking a mile then would expand a little at a time until now I am doing almost 5 miles a day. Weather permitting of course! Just stay with it and work the program, you will do fine! Best of luck to you!  
+5 votes
by (1k points)
How many miles is 5000 steps?  
by (630 points)
@evildoer I’d say about ~1. 5 to 2 miles
by (1k points)
@kevyn Okay, thanks, awesome, got it!  
by (290 points)
Ive taken 5, 121 steps today and my Fitbit says its 2. 27 miles.  
by (1k points)
@spectrogram Like Lizzo says, "Truth Hurts" But, thank you!  
+6 votes
by (370 points)
It most definitely will! I haven't even been 100 percent sticking to my diet. Having one too many cheat days. I'm down 12 pounds in just under three weeks. Walking at home in front of the TV. AND, I know it works because it's entirely how I lost weight two years ago. 120 pounds just by walking and jogging in place aiming for 12-15k steps a day. Fell off the wagon, weight came back. But I'm starting again and I know the walking works!  
by (630 points)
@derail thank you. About how long till you noticed results?  
by (370 points)
@kevyn instantly. I was losing every week. I don't even think I noticed a plateau at all. I was following all of my points and making sure to eat them all as best as I could--Because depending onBecause depending on the level of your Because depending on the level of your Because depending on the level of your Because depending on the level of your Because depending on the level of your Because depending on the level of your Because depending on the level of your Because depending on the level of your walking Because depending on the level of your walking Because depending on the level of your walking and Because depending on the level of your walking and Because depending on the level of your walking and that Because depending on the level of your walking and that Because depending on the level of your walking and that kind ofBecause depending on the level of your walking and that kind of movement because 15K is a lot every day, you need those calories back. balances key because you don't want your body to think it's going through a famine. Every week I would lose weight. At first I started going to meetings and then I realized I could do it all from home online. I've always been a homebody and a stay-at-home mom for the last 3 years so I'm able to easily get my steps in. I don't even think I ever hit a plateau. Maybe a week or two where it would only be like 1 lb loss but there was still always a loss. And I was able to lose the weight pretty fast. This time I'm trying to take my time a little bit and understand that every once and a while there's going to be a day you just can't track. It happens. I didn't notice any sort of weight gain or issues with my muscle forming. My legs definitely felt sore for the first couple days. And my body adjusted. So at first I was walking at a pace I was comfortable with and naturally your body will just start to move faster and I think the key is to enjoy what you're doing. That's why I chose walking indoors. I watch whatever I want on TV or my h kid and I will throw on a movie and I march in place. And I try to make sure that no matter what 10, 000 of those steps are dedicated walking steps. Not just what I'm catching throughout the day but thorough standing in place walking. Once I'm done with that anything else is considered extra.  
by (370 points)
@kevyn I will tell you though that I am significantly overweight. So I went from originally 295 down to 160 lb on a 5'9 frame. I looked very slender for that weight. And that is still probably what I'm going to go for as far as my goal weight goes. That time around I thought I still needed to lose weight but looking at photos I looked pretty slim. It is going to be different on every body. The less amount you have to lose the harder of a battle you'll have but you can still do it. Walking is so beneficial in many ways. This time I have completely reversed my type 2 diabetes in 2 weeks. My blood sugars have completely stabilized. My resting BPM went from 90 to 70. In two weeks! The first week of the quarantine I was too scared to stay on track and was just eating what was available but I was making sure to walk. And it did not impact my weight loss. Again I would really make sure that whatever you are expelling as far as exercising goes don't under nourish your body. The only time in my life where I've struggled to lose weight is when I've put my body into famine mode and it thinks it's starving.  
by (370 points)
Sorry I fixed some typos lol. I'm walking as I text to talk and it's not the greatest  
+13 votes
by (430 points)
Very important! I’m a college student and naturally walking to classes I clock around 3-5 miles a day. When I take a break for summer or otherwise I notice a big difference and I have to change my eating habits significantly even just taking light casual walking out of my day. (The walking is only in bouts of 15-20 minutes at a time throughout the day, nothing super intense. But it makes a HUGE difference! ). Everything counts!  
+4 votes
by (430 points)
Yes that was pretty much all the exercise I did. I’ve lost my way in the past year and was eating crap and not walking. Im back to it now. I originally lost 50 pounds that way.  
+17 votes
by (38.2k points)
+18 votes
by (5k points)
That is the BEST exercise to do is walking. Even if for only 10 mins. you are getting some kind of exercise in. Working in the home too now we have to be in. Cleaning, painting, etc. I use to walk a lot but can't much now. Need a hip replacement and was canceled twice due to the Virus. I have to use a cane also have my walker. Maybe I should try to walk around the block. Everyone be safe.  
+7 votes
by (430 points)
I’m walking more than 10, 000 steps each day. I have a treadmill and set it up in front of a TV so time goes quickly. I don’t walk too fast anymore but the weight will come off. I put on 5kg so trying to loose it again. Everyone is different. Keep a diary of how far you’re walking and what you’re Weight is each week.  
+11 votes
by (1.4k points)
I lose with 7k steps a day.  
+12 votes
by (3.8k points)
Yes I am maintaining during this time of not going to gym. I get 17 to 21 t a day. I just walk in my house every opportunity I can.  
+19 votes
by (420 points)
Absolutely 3 stone. Xxx
+7 votes
by (610 points)
My husband is religious about his 10k steps per day. He’s lost 45 since thanksgiving.  
+3 votes
by (590 points)
My workshop leader says weight loss is 80% what you eat and I've found that to be true, but that's me; I've never lost weight from exercise alone. That being said, it doesn't matter what you weigh, exercise is good for darn near everything that ails you. As my doc says, "Motion is lotion" and it makes your whole body work better. Keep up the good work - uh, exercise!  
by (280 points)
Totally agree with you. Energy input has to be tapped. Only then will energy output show results. Moreover, active lifestyle prevents weight regain - a common problem we all face. Last month I could not go for my daily walk and have gained straight 3 kg. I was very careful to keep my intake under check - yet it happened  
by (590 points)
I've done the same thing, been comfort eating but keeping up my workouts (I use videos at home) has been a real factor in getting me back to eating pretty well. I've lost and gained but not much. Eyes on the prize and here's to your continued good health!  Stay well!  
+3 votes
by (280 points)
It surely is. Go ahead and do it. More energy you can burn the better for weight maintenance. The results are slow - don't get discouraged - keep going.  
+8 votes
by (1.4k points)
Excellent exercise! I have maintained my weight through the virus just with the walking every day. Besides it gives you a chance to air out your brain!  
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