+8 votes
by (1.2k points)
A few Questions!  My husband and I get paid weekly.A few Questions! My husband and I get paid weekly. We do cash envelopes- household, groceries, health and beauty, fitness, gas for me, gas for him, pet, and Misc I’ve tried the month budget- so divide by 4 weeks and put it in the envelope. But sometimes I need more for that one week. So Do I set weekly budgets instead? If so, how do you know what week you’re going to need stuff? Next, the money we don’t spend in that week until our next check, so I put that into savings? Or roll it over for the next week and then put the money into savings at the end of the month? I’ve tried finding weekly examples but can’t find any! What do you weekly payers do?  
A few Questions!  My husband and I get paid weekly.

4 Answers

+8 votes
by (1.6k points)
I do weekly. But I sometimes carry 2 envelopes. When I buy more to stock up, I use some from next week. But it only happened once by 4 € till now. I set up a different envelope for drinks after that. So that I don't have to take in the soda into my plans. That's what went over. I stock up on coke when it's on sale every other week.  
+3 votes
by (1.7k points)
I'm paid weekly. I am a month ahead on bills. This is key to being able to divide your expenses by 4 weeks and have all bills paid on time. For example: let's say my fixed monthly expenses is $2000. I have $2000 in an account and I pay my all of my bills on the 1st of the month (so no worries about due dates). Then my first paycheck of the month, I put $500 in that account and do this for every paycheck and by the 4th paycheck I have $2000 again to pay all bills at the 1st of the next month.  
by (1.7k points)
Anything above the $500 weekly, I use for variable expenses and savings. I only have 3 envelopes - Gas, Groceries, and Miscellaneous. At the end of the week, whatever is left over in my Gas and Miscellaneous envelope goes to savings (my goal is savings, I'm debt free except my house). My Grocery envelope is rolled over weekly to save up for those times I find a really good deal and want to stock up.  
+3 votes
by (550 points)
I roll over from the pervious week. Only because sometimes I don’t go shopping a certain week but need more the second week. So the money I Budget for doesn’t change. Also let’s say it’s the first of the month and I know I need more in my household budget than let’s say. my fun envelope. I’ll budget more for that week for my household and maybe hold off of fun till next week. Or like my pets. It really just needs to work for you.  
+6 votes
by (1.4k points)
I write out a monthly budget but then divide all expenses by the week they are due so then you have a clear idea of what is coming up in case you need to save money from this week to pay some bills next week. In relation to envelopes I would roll it over every week till you get to the end of the month and then you can decide what you want to do Wirh whatever is left
by (1.1k points)
@buccal that's exactly what we do as well. So far so good  
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