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by (550 points)
What would you do?  I have $4400 on a credit card that has been 0% apr but that is expiring next month and APR will go up to 8.What would you do? I have $4400 on a credit card that has been 0% apr but that is expiring next month and APR will go up to 8. 4%. I could transfer to another card with 0% APR until June 2021 but it will cost $132 to transfer with the fee. Would you transfer or keep it at 8. 4% APR? We’ve been focusing on saving money til we hit a savings goal ($4000 left to get to goal) and then will switch to knocking out debt. Thanks!  
What would you do?  I have $4400 on a credit card that has been 0% apr but that is expiring next mon

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