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by (1.4k points)
From a financially smart perspective. let’s talk rent vs. own. In my mind I am conflicted at what is the best decision for me. I am single and will not be remarrying. I will be 45 this year. My last child at home is 13. I am currently renting. I like the idea of someone else maintaining the property and me not having to worry about unexpected expenses that can arise when you own a home. But it seems like home ownership is everyone’s goal. I feel like I’ve done that already and at this point I just want low maintenance and peace of mind. Am I making a huge mistake? I know I’m paying a lot and won’t have anything once it’s said and done. so mentally, yes, I get that. but I’m kinda okay with it. What am I missing?  
From a financially smart perspective.let’s talk rent vs.

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