+6 votes
by (740 points)
Budget question for everyone.  I get paid biweekly, I usually have 3-4 bills due between my last check of the month and and first check of the following month.Budget question for everyone. I get paid biweekly, I usually have 3-4 bills due between my last check of the month and and first check of the following month. Ex credit card due 2/4 but payday isn’t until 2/7. How would I correctly mark this in my budget?  
Budget question for everyone.  I get paid biweekly, I usually have 3-4 bills due between my last che

3 Answers

0 votes
by (2k points)
I would use your paycheque previous to your 2/7 one. For example, our pay days in February are 2/7 and 2/21. So if I have a bill due on 2/19, it is paid from the 2/7 paycheque.  
0 votes
by (9.6k points)
I have one bill that is due just before payday. It's due on the 28th and we get paid on the 1st. I haven't fit it into my new budget, so can't pay it with my middle of the month paycheck. I noticed that it's got a few days lee-way on payment. it says it has to be paid by the 5th. So, until I get to a point where I can pay it with my mid-month check, I'm OK with paying it 3 or so days late since that falls into the acceptable payment range.  
0 votes
by (12.1k points)
So, I budget the bill due in the current paycheck time frame. I get paid 1/31 -2/13. Next Payday is 2/14. So. Any Bill's due during the 2 week time frames of 1/31-2/13 is from my 1/31 paycheck. I make a note on my budget and my calendar when to mail the bill, if it's not auto pay . I hope that helps
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