+2 votes
by (140 points)
Support Request Hi folks, I have a bit of a support question that hopefully you good folks could assist me in. As we all know Facebook isn't the most open to providing RT support and my rep has since left FB so I'm back at the beginning. My problem: I can't delete my Business Manager. I'm trying to create a new Business Manager account, but I'm limited to one unfortunately(Other than my personal ads account). When I try to permanently delete my business account, it states that I can't. I've reviewed the troubleshooting guide to see where the issue lay (). There are no ad accounts, people, assets, pages, IG accounts, no lead ads on the ad account that were associated to this business manager, nor was there any political ads in the US. The only area where I can see an issue is there still is a card associated with the account, but, I can't remove it. No ad accounts have been connected to this payment method. All other ad accounts are paid in full.  Has anyone run into this issue?  
Support Request Hi folks, I have a bit of a support question that hopefully you good folks could ass

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