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by (120 points)
I'm trying to create a lookalike for my custom audience (website visitors, pixel tracked event with over 1000 clicks) for all countries and I get this error: Source is Too Small: Please choose a source that includes at least 100 people in the same country. (#2654). If I remember right, there was no restriction on audience size based on country before (you were supposed to select audiences in adset management section). Any suggestions on how I could create lookalike audience based on my 1000+ clickers across the world? I have tried using value based source, ViewContent event, and I was able to create this audience, but it seems viewcontent only has the half of the people I want to target (as linkclick is not equal viewcontent). Any help will be very appreciated!  
I'm trying to create a lookalike for my custom audience (website visitors, pixel tracked event with

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