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by (120 points)
Targeting questions: Here are two significant challenges I'm having: 1) How to target citizens of a country and exclude migrant workers and expats? Hello fellow marketers. I'm working with an agency who wants to target citizens in specific eastern countries. The particular countries have many, many, non-citizens who live there as migrant workers, expats etc. When I run ads, I continually get responses from the migrant workers and expats and I'm getting very little response from the indigenous citizens. I've had the same challenge in multiple countries with a similar target. Any suggestions for how to target in this way? 2) Is it possible to block or prevent men from responding to a particular ad? One agency I'm working with has a women's product that is exclusively for women. We are of course targeting women - and the link clicks we're getting are 100% women. However, we are getting some men "like" the page. Most of the comments on the ads are from men. And so far ALL of the messages we're getting are from men. The nature of the ads and the product is such that the images we're using could cause some immature men to respond in inappropriate ways. I know we are hitting our target of women due to the link clicks and the results from the funnel. But is it possible to fully block men from commenting, or messaging, or liking a page? Thanks for any advice you can give.  
Targeting questions: Here are two significant challenges I'm having: 1) How to target citizens of a

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