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by (1.3k points)
Here’s a little idea for those of you who run ads for eCom stores that also use some form of buy now pay later, whether it’s Klarna, Clearpay, afterpay whatever. You would have noticed leveraging that in your ad copy as well as the copy on your site has quite a significant impact on conversions. But what if there was a way to tweak it and make it that much more effective? It’s nothing groundbreaking, but how about using copy that’s centred around your brand/product. For example, instead of saying buy now, pay later in X instalments like a lot of stores do. Switch it up. How about: Workout Equipment: Work out now, pay later Make up/Cosmetics: Glow up now, pay later Fashion/Accessories: Slay today, pay later Workout Supps: Get shredded now, pay later Home furniture: Lighten up your garden space now, pay later Food/Drink/Condiments: Add some spice now, pay later The above examples are pretty random to show how you can do this for pretty much any vertical to personalise your copy that much more as opposed to being one of the thousands of sites using some sort of pay later function, you can stand out just that little bit more Thoughts?  
Here’s a little idea for those of you who run ads for eCom stores that also use some form of buy n

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