+13 votes
by (270 points)
Opinions please  My husband has started his man cave  it will also be used as a dining area for our family in the summer. We still have the outside to finish but we cannot agree on the inside. I want to paint it but he likes the chip board. He thinks that if we paint it, it will crack off with the cold weather and its something we will have to paint every year rather than being low maintenance. Surely if we use proper wood paint it will last and not peel off? Any input would be useful  
Opinions please  My husband has started his man cave  it will also be used as a dining area for our

11 Answers

+8 votes
by (790 points)
Will it have doors on or is it to stay exposed?  
by (270 points)
@aster81495 its going to have french doors on when finished  
by (790 points)
Ahh thats cool, I wasn't sure how the finish would be, def needs to be insulated as has been mentioned, but clad it in pallet wood as the below, that would give it the wooden rustic look - be nice to see it when it's finished
by (270 points)
@aster81495 ill post when we get it all done  
by (790 points)
He's done a nice job so far :)
+9 votes
by (810 points)
Personally I would paint it but that's just my opinion
+7 votes
by (4.1k points)
Compromise. Agree to paint one accent wall.  
+1 vote
by (970 points)
Do pallet wall.  
+5 votes
by (420 points)
As soon as any moisture gets in chipboard it’s knackered flakes and falls apart personally I’d insulate and either clad the inside with t&g or plasterboard it as it could then also work as an extra bedroom if needed
+11 votes
by (1.4k points)
Chipboard makes it look unfinished. Plasterboard or pallet wall. Then either a varnish or a pale garden paint
+10 votes
by (1.4k points)
I’d paint it as bare wood tends to get mould grow on it, at least the paint will protect it and preserve it to last longer, only use outside paint though like Cuprinol garden shades  
+4 votes
by (620 points)
Weve painted my hubby's shed it's made it so bright
by (620 points)
Waiting for the roof sheets
0 votes
by (4.1k points)
Paint it it will brighten it up  
0 votes
by (340 points)
Can you use emulsion?  
+2 votes
by (410 points)
Omg I want. great work. x
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