+89 votes
by (1k points)
We have loads of dandelions growing on the lawn, is it true that boiling water works just as well as weed killer? I'm presuming you have to dig them out once theyve shriveled and died?  
We have loads of dandelions growing on the lawn, is it true that boiling water works just as well as

77 Answers

+66 votes
by (2.4k points)
Best answer
Why do people here hate flowers in the grass. Don't get it
by (2.4k points)
@knutson love the name
by (2.4k points)
@achieve still think it looks prettier with daisy and other wildflowers
by (1.1k points)
@altagraciaaltaic/activity" class="qa-user-link">altagraciaaltaic each to their own @altagraciaaltaic/activity" class="qa-user-link">altagraciaaltaic  I'm sure your lawn looks lovely too
by (2.4k points)
@achieve to me yes
by (2.4k points)
@achieve I love my garden a bit wild though
+20 votes
by (870 points)
I heard Salt water x
by (1k points)
@addam ah right OK, does hot/cold water make difference? I presumed boiling water killed them but not sure about the root? X
by (1.3k points)
Please don't put salt on your lawn it will kill the grass as well
by (870 points)
@chao1 do u no x
by (870 points)
@cyclops65 don't kill the grass iv done it with cold salt water grass is fine yet to see if the dandilions come back x
by (1.2k points)
@addam just salt know water it dont kill the grass I have a beautiful garden. a trick my dad taught me as he is a Gardener by trade. X
by (870 points)
@chao1 I could remember what u said i did it then forgot what I did I been up to so much  x
by (1.2k points)
They dry out. with salt on no water needed
+85 votes
by (7k points)
Leave them for now, they are ideal for bees. Once flowers start to bloom then kill them off.  
by (480 points)
@kelter the birds love them too!  
+23 votes
by (2.3k points)
Boiling water does kill them but also leaves dead patches on lawn where they were
by (1k points)
@blockus what would you suggest? Some proper weed killer, won't that also leave bald patches once they are dead?  
by (2.3k points)
@snuffbox2 if I knew a good solution I'd let you know. Used boiling water and weed killer on a few different years and all killed grass off. This year I am just waiting for them to die naturally as have more than usual and dont know a good solution without creating brown patches or holes
by (440 points)
@snuffbox2 dug them out with a narrow trowel. Weed killer kills bees  and salt or hot water kills your grass
by (2.3k points)
@whelm I've dug some out in past but then left bald patches where I'd had to dig up lawn a bit to get them out
by (1k points)
@blockus thank you, I suppose it adds a bit of colour
+39 votes
by (670 points)
Bees love them, they then die off quickly
+26 votes
by (760 points)
This is the Bees first source of nutrition just leave them to die back
by (4.9k points)
@cosine they don't touch it in my garden they prefer the Pulminaria and so do I.  
by (760 points)
@gaslit3157 but if you don't have anything else flowering right now this would be their go to.  
by (4.9k points)
@cosine I have had flowers in my garden for several months now well before the dandelions show their heads.  
+16 votes
by (1k points)
Ok, cool. I didn't realise they were a favourite with the bees. To be fair we've not seen any bees around but I'll leave them if they die off naturally. Thanks guys
by (470 points)
@snuffbox2 if you dont want them to spread everywhere just make sure you pull the heads off before they turn to dandilion clocks, it's not just bees that love them .  
+53 votes
by (2k points)
Hook them out with a screwdriver. A couple every day and it will improve. Also make sure you pick the heads off when they go fluffy.  
by (1k points)
@portion @riba6 May when they have fluffy heads the girls love blowing them everywhere, I presume once they land they grow the year after and you get more?  
by (2k points)
@snuffbox2 yes definitely! Every time they blow them around that’s the seeds spreading everywhere. I pick any heads off as soon as I see them and throw them in the bin!  
by (2.1k points)
@snuffbox2 yip, seeds with parachutes  
+2 votes
by (1.2k points)
Get a fiskar they are amazing, I also pick the heads off late afternoon to stop the clocks. Doing late afternoon don't affect the bees
by (1.2k points)
@llewellyn until other flowers bloom, it's the bees only source of pollen. It has nothing to do with the time of day. X
by (1.2k points)
I do have a wild patch in the corner we don't touch, which has lots of dandelions as does the side of our driveway
by (440 points)
@llewellyn what's a fiskar?  
by (1.2k points)
It's a tool grabs the dandelion from the root. Love mine
+8 votes
by (1.2k points)
Salt just put salt on them and it will dry them out
by (440 points)
@chao1 I do this works perfectly.  
by (1.2k points)
@bicarb it's best way your not adding poison to the ground then. x
+44 votes
by (1.2k points)
No water
+8 votes
by (750 points)
I’m opposite to you all. I love the dandelions. having two bitches that wee on my grass and kill it, a welcome relief that the daisies and dandelions keep my lawn green!  
+55 votes
by (750 points)
Bees need these , I’m leaving mine till nature decides , then I’ll cut grass , we need to help our bee friends xx
+86 votes
by (710 points)
Mines the same, I always leave it for the bees though. Daisies and dandelions are their first source of pollen ‍♀️
by (3.5k points)
@rhetoric1 it's actually water to them what's in daisies and dandelions.  
by (710 points)
Not sure what that means Lorraine? They take the pollen from dandelions as they’re usually one of the first to flower. Early honey bees all over my garden/dandelions
by (710 points)
@abbe0 do you mean the nectar? Either way they’re good for the bees  
by (3.5k points)
@rhetoric1 yes that's exactly what I mean.  
+60 votes
by (3.5k points)
For the bees.  
by (440 points)
@abbe0 with you on this  
by (3.5k points)
@shattuck862 lovely. A weed is just a flower growing in the wrong place.  
+9 votes
by (2.8k points)
Every morning I go out first thing and snap those yellow heads off before they set seed. It weakens them eventually. I’m not too keen on using chemicals but I do have some lawn weed killer waiting to be opened. I also have heavy clay so I have lined all my borders with newspaper - thick wads of it. That means if any dandelion, or other weed seeds get blown in they are so easy to pluck out by hand as they can’t get through the paper to lay down deep roots.  
+63 votes
by (730 points)
Get a guinea pig  
+2 votes
by (500 points)
Eat them more goodness in them than avocados
+75 votes
by (860 points)
I've same problem and it seems that the more I cut the grass more grow ‍♀️
+70 votes
by (3.5k points)
When the queen comes out of hibernation she is very thirsty. Dandelions provide vital drink to allow our bees to re-energise to pollinate our beautiful flowers, plants, fruit and vegetables.  
by (810 points)
@abbe0 what even . queens have been active for months. Long before dandelions start to flower. And even at that. Queen bees don’t drink nectar. They only eat royal jelly which is secreted by the worker bees.  
by (3.5k points)
Ciarán Mac An Ghabhain I have a wild hive under my back doorstep we've lived in harmony for over 12 years. I love it when my big thistle blooms and grows.  
by (810 points)
@abbe0 yeah . doesn’t mean you know what you are talking about.  
by (3.5k points)
Ciarán Mac An Ghabhain and you do?    
by (810 points)
@abbe0 Erm, yes. Coming up with some nonsense about the queens needing dandelions to quench their thirst (when they don’t leave the hive) shows you don’t.  
+73 votes
by (690 points)
If you pour boiling water on then then you will kill your grass also
+68 votes
by (680 points)
I leave mine, love seeing the bees on them and then they bring the goldfinches too which I don't get to see very often.  
+68 votes
by (1.2k points)
I use a screwdriver and make a deep hole in the middle pour salt in and they die within a few days
+34 votes
by (5.5k points)
I love dandylions and so do the bees. Free flowers if you ask me xx⚘⚘☘☘
+10 votes
by (2.1k points)
Yes hot salty water de root and pour down a hole not over the whole garden. Lol if you de-head a dandelion it will just grow another head, brilliant if you’re feeding the bees but if you don’t want them in your garden get some early spring flowers in it’s place.  
+47 votes
by (1.7k points)
Dandelions are food for bees. Let them grow. They are good for the garden. Yea cut youre grass but let them grow back naturally
+29 votes
by (690 points)
Make honey
+42 votes
by (720 points)
This year I just pick the heads off them as they are on the verge of turning fluffy. I get the benefit of the yellow flowers, without masses of seeds flying around. I have lots of other daisy like flowers out for the bees.  
+38 votes
by (750 points)
I love dandelions  They're the only thing that seems to grow in my garden  We collect any dry clocks too from the school run and blow them all over the garden as well. I bet my neighbours love me  
by (590 points)
We collect them too  I place patches of them in different areas, we have giant leaves on some we've cultivated
by (750 points)
@eaglet373 my old neighbour hated dandelions and daisies. As soon as a tiny shoot appeared, they'd be out there cutting the grass  I really can't be arsed cutting the grass that often and everything we plant seems to die, so we water the weeds instead x
by (590 points)
I cut round my dandelions  xx
+79 votes
by (5.5k points)
What's not to love. free flowers. Free salad leaves. superfood. ⚘⚘
by (3.5k points)
@knutson oh wow you have award winning ones.  
by (5.5k points)
@abbe0 lol thank you. I just let them get on with it. low maintenance free beautiful flowers  
by (3.5k points)
@knutson I agree.  
+3 votes
by (2.7k points)
Bees love dandy lions and they are soo pretty. Just nip the tops off before the seeds fly. Make dandelion wine
+64 votes
by (680 points)
Leave them, they're beautiful
+71 votes
by (2.1k points)
Make wine.  
+11 votes
by (1.2k points)
I planted other plants that attract the bees.  
+1 vote
by (4.1k points)
Yes don't boil the worms and other benificial insects that live in your soil. you will have lovely grass if you have worms underneath. just pick the dandelions out with a fork it's easier.  
+82 votes
by (2.8k points)
As they are edible you could always cook them.  
+6 votes
by (2.5k points)
Leave them for the bees  
+24 votes
by (1.4k points)
I dig mine out with a knife they come out really easy
+64 votes
by (2.5k points)
Leave them for the bees  
by (510 points)
@huynh was going to say the same x
by (480 points)
@sneed @kelter and me. Yellow flowers are vital for the bees.  
+20 votes
by (1.5k points)
Dandelion milk is good for getting rid of warts on hands  it really works
+69 votes
by (1.4k points)
Dandelions are friends now. Google a mazillion uses for them!  
+16 votes
by (1k points)
Wow, so many comments and uses, thank you guys :)
+14 votes
by (670 points)
My rabbits eat ours, they love them
+34 votes
by (1.2k points)
Please remove the flowers before using a weed killer. This will stop the bees settling and getting poisoned  
+70 votes
by (770 points)
Not only beautiful, but bees and butterflies love the flowers and goldfinches and bullfinches eat the seeds. Plus you can eat it, as a honey, in salads and make tea with it. Too many positives to get rid of  
+50 votes
by (710 points)
I’ve noticed more this year too! I hate them!  
+22 votes
by (2.7k points)
I hate ivy more . lol
+16 votes
by (5.5k points)
I even buy dandylion honey it's delicious ⚘⚘
by (1k points)
@knutson my chum made her own!  
+73 votes
by (1.7k points)
There the best flowers for bees!  
+17 votes
by (1.7k points)
Maybe you could keep one wee corner like they do in parks for the bees and butterflies  
+56 votes
by (1.7k points)
The  bees love them
+62 votes
by (2.1k points)
Make Jelly - Dandilions r so good for u
+84 votes
by (650 points)
Digging them out yesterday
+63 votes
by (980 points)
Dandelions are a Bees super food and while they are producing energy to make more bees give them a chance and leave a few for them
+35 votes
by (13.6k points)
Yes so you might as well dig them out in the first place to avoid boiled grass as well?  
+32 votes
by (3k points)
Here's a few of my dandelions beside one of my pots, they are so cheery, brighten up a big patch of lawn along with daisies x
+40 votes
by (1.4k points)
My tortoises eat mine and bees need them
by (5.5k points)
@nefen Beckitt excellent for tortoises rabbit's guinea pigs etc xx. oh and humans lol  
by (1.4k points)
@knutson absolutely even the dog like them  
+56 votes
by (920 points)
Yes! It's all I use in my garden for weeds if I can't dig them up x
+87 votes
by (650 points)
I didnt realise u could eat them. Obvs wash them first. My partner said would save use a fortune to use them in place of buying a lettuce.  
+15 votes
by (3.6k points)
I use a long screwdriver work around weed & lever root out
+4 votes
by (540 points)
Pour salt in the middle it will kill them x
by (2.4k points)
@smacker1098 and every other plant or life. So damaging for the soil
0 votes
by (1.4k points)
Leave until the heads have died of, they are food for the bees and butterflies, then take them out
+1 vote
by (980 points)
Make Dandelion and Burdock soft drink. All parts of the dandelion are edible. Waste not, want not.  
+34 votes
by (2.3k points)
A pinch if salt gets rid if you want, but they are food for bees
+85 votes
by (4.8k points)
A spray of weed killer soon sorts them
by (1.7k points)
@calvities I bet the bees love you
by (4.8k points)
@busload0 still don’t want weeds in the lawn though ‍♂️
+39 votes
by (2k points)
  leave them bee
+86 votes
by (740 points)
They taste sooooo yummy fried. Harvest them x
+44 votes
by (720 points)
BOILi ng water will kill the grass too, try a tool like this .  
+55 votes
by (670 points)
Leave them for the bees
+35 votes
by (650 points)
Don't kill them, they are good for the bees
+17 votes
by (730 points)
Yes, boiled vinegar water got rid of ours
+12 votes
by (1.3k points)
If you’re going to dig them out when they died why don’t you just take them out while they’re alive then you’ll be able to see the difference and seal the root cause of the middleman forget about the boiling water
+3 votes
by (560 points)
Dandelions make great syrup for pancakes
+30 votes
by (1.2k points)
Weed and feed mix, rake and water end up with lawn like Wimbledon. .  
+69 votes
by (1.8k points)
Chop the heads off before they seed.  
+54 votes
by (2.1k points)
Everyone right. But boiling water will kill grass if in lawn. So just do the ones in cracks. Leave roots just everytime pour boiling water on it will in time weaken plant. Mow the ones on the lawn. We just pick flowers to make honey. And i had some leaves like spinach in march as had little food and kept other stuff for kids.  
+50 votes
by (710 points)
Awww ☹ food for the bees  
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