+1 vote
by (130 points)
Looking for some advice I bought cut roses from Morrisons about a month ago - when they died the stems looked like they might sprout more leaf branches so I left them where they were. I now have 3 stems with the dead flower head on but all with lush new growth - HELP! How do I keep them alive and turn them into proper plants?  
Looking for some advice I bought cut roses from Morrisons about a month ago - when they died the ste

1 Answer

0 votes
by (660 points)
Buy a pot of hormone rooting powder, which is inexpensive and lasts for years Cut the stem below where there is new growth at an angle, cut a slit upwards on the angle and dip it into water then in the rooting powder then set it in a small plant pot Re-pot as it grows Don’t just set it in a bigger than needed pot As this won’t work
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